API Documentation
All APIs should be documented in RAML or Swagger, see Architecture-Documentation-Guidelines](Architecture-Documentation-Guidelines.md)
Section Headings
Do not number headings - for example, "Prepare and Fulfill", not "C - Prepare and Fulfill"
Make sure section headings (# ) match the heading to which they correspond in the comprehensive PDF (built from the dactyl config file)
Do not include the word "documentation" in headings
For sections that contain many subsections of endpoints or methods, provide a table of contents at the beginning of the section
Don't say the word project; use component, microservice, interfaces, etc
Instead of the word "project," use a specific noun such as component, microservice, or interface.
Introduce procedures with H3 (###) or H4 (####) headers (not H2 (##)).
Do not use numbers in procedure section headings.
Use ordered-list tagging for procedure steps. For example:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 2
Last updated