Searching for transfer data
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The Finance Portal provides a transfer search page, which allows you to find transfer data based on DFSP identifiers, end user identifiers, or transfer identifiers. This is useful when resolving issues.
::: tip NOTE The values displayed on the Find Transfers page are pulled from the Hub's central-ledger database. :::
To find transfers, complete the following steps:
Go to Transfers > Find Transfers. The Find Transfers page is displayed. \
Use the search filters to specify what you are looking for. You can fill in any number of search fields, in any combination.
Transfer ID: Enter a full transferId
or a fragment of a transferId
Payer FSP ID: Enter the full fspId
or a fragment of the fspId
of the Payer DFSP.
Payer ID Type: Using the drop-down list, select the type of identifier used to identify the Payer (for example, MSISDN or ACCOUNT_ID).
Payer ID Value: Enter the full identifier or a fragment of the identifier used to identify the Payer (for example, a phone number or a bank account number).
Payee FSPID: Enter the full fspId
or a fragment of the fspId
of the Payee DFSP.
Payee ID Type: Using the drop-down list, select the type of identifier used to identify the Payee.
Payee ID Value: Enter the full identifier or a fragment of the identifier used to identify the Payee.
From and To: Enter the start time and end time of the time range when the transfer(s) you are looking for happened.
Once you have set your search filters, click Find Transfers. The list of search results that meet the search criteria are displayed.
Use the page navigation buttons at the bottom of the screen to navigate between pages of search results.
You can remove all the filters you applied and start your search from scratch by clicking Clear Filters.
Search results are displayed in columns. All columns are sortable:
Click a column header to change the sort order of the values displayed in the column.
Click the magnifying-glass icon in the column header and enter a value that you are looking for.
::: tip The total number of transfers that get returned are limited to a thousand (1000) (this is to keep the load off the backend). If you are not able to find the transfer that you are looking for within the first thousand results, then start narrowing your search, using the search filters. If your search returns more than five hundred (500) results, the page will display an information message so you know that you do not necessarily see all results that meet your original search criteria and you should drill down more. :::
The following details are displayed for a transfer:
::: tip NOTE Transfers without quotes (that is "add/withdraw funds" transfers and settlement transfers) will display details for the following fields only: Transfer ID, Timestamp, Amount, Currency, Status. :::
Transfer ID: The unique identifier of the transfer (corresponds to transferId
Type: The type of the transfer (corresponds to transactionType
in Payment Manager and transactionScenario
in the Mojaloop FSPIOP API).
Timestamp: The date and time when the transfer request was created, as an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp.
Payer FSPID: The fspId
of the Payer DFSP.
Payee FSPID: The fspId
of the Payee DFSP.
Amount: The transfer amount.
Currency: The currency of the transfer.
Status: The state of the transfer (corresponds to transferState
in Payment Manager and the Mojaloop FSPIOP API).
Payer Acct ID: The identifier type and identifier value of the Payer's account.
Payee Acct ID: The identifier type and identifier value of the Payee's account.
To find out more details about a particular search result, click its entry in the search result list. A Transfer Details window pops up. This section provides information about the details that are displayed for a transfer.
The Quote Requests tab displays the quoteId
and further information on sub-tabs.
The Quote Request sub-tab displays the following details about the quote request:
quoteId: The unique identifier of the quote, decided by the Payer DFSP.
transactionReferenceId: Corresponds to the transactionId
specified in the quote request.
transactionRequestId: Optional. Common ID between the DFSPs for the transaction request object, decided by the Payee DFSP.
note: An optional memo attached to the transfer.
expirationDate: An optional quote request expiration date, as an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp.
amount: The amount that the quote is being requested for.
createdDate: The date and time when the quote request was created, as an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp.
transactionInitiator: Specifies if the initiator of the transfer is the PAYER or the PAYEE.
transactionInitiatorType: Specifies the type of the initiator:
CONSUMER: Consumer is the initiator of the transaction. For example: peer-to-peer transfer or loan repayment from wallet.
AGENT: Agent is the initiator of the transaction. For example: loan repayment via an agent.
BUSINESS: Business is the initiator of the transaction. For example: loan disbursement.
DEVICE: Device is the initiator of the transaction. For example: merchant-initiated merchant payment authorized on POS.
transactionScenario: Specifies the transaction scenario (corresponds to transactionType
in Payment Manager).
transactionSubScenario: Specifies the transaction sub-scenario defined by the scheme.
balanceOfPaymentsType: The BoP code as defined in the IMF's Balance of Payments Coding System.
amountType: SEND for send amount, RECEIVE for receive amount.
currency: The currency of the amount that the quote is being requested for. A three-letter alphabetic code conforming to ISO 4217.
The Quote Parties sub-tab displays the following details about the Payer DFSP and Payee DFSP:
quoteId: The unique identifier of the quote, decided by the Payer DFSP.
partyIdentifierType: The type of identifier used to identify the party (for example, MSISDN or ACCOUNT_ID).
partyIdentifierValue: The value of the identifier used to identify the party (for example, a phone number or a bank account number).
fspId: The unique identifier of the DFSP registered in the Hub (corresponds to fspId
) - as provided in the quote.
merchantClassificationCode: Used when the Payee is a merchant accepting merchant payments.
partyName: The display name of the party.
transferParticipantRoleType: The role that the DFSP is playing in the transfer.
ledgerEntryType: The type of financial entry this party is presenting — principal value (that is, the amount of money that the Payer wants the Payee to receive) or interchange fee.
amount: The amount that the quote is being requested for.
currency: The currency of the amount that the quote is being requested for. A three-letter alphabetic code conforming to ISO 4217.
createdDate: The date and time when the quote request was created, as an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp.
partySubIdOrTypeId: A sub-identifier or sub-type for the party.
participant: Reference to the resolved fspId
(if supplied/known).
The Quote Errors sub-tab only displays information if there was an error in the quotes stage.
The Quote Responses tab displays details about the quote response:
quoteId: The unique identifier of the quote, decided by the Payer DFSP.
transactionReferenceId: Corresponds to the transactionId
specified in the quote request.
quoteResponseId: The unique identifier of the quote response.
transferAmountCurrencyId: The currency of the transfer amount. A three-letter alphabetic code conforming to ISO 4217.
transferAmount: The amount that the Payer DFSP should transfer to the Payee DFSP.
payeeReceiveAmountCurrencyId: The currency of the amount that the Payee should receive in the end-to-end transaction.
payeeReceiveAmount: The amount that the Payee should receive in the end-to-end transaction.
payeeFspFeeCurrencyId: The currency of the Payee DFSP's part of the transaction fee (if any). A three-letter alphabetic code conforming to ISO 4217.
payeeFspFeeAmount: The Payee DFSP's part of the transaction fee (if any).
payeeFspCommissionCurrencyId: The currency of the transaction commission from the Payee DFSP (if any). A three-letter alphabetic code conforming to ISO 4217.
payeeFspCommissionAmount: The transaction commission from the Payee DFSP (if any).
ilpCondition: The ILP condition that must be attached to the transfer by the Payer side.
responseExpirationDate: The quote's expiration date as an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp.
isValid: An indicator whether or not the quote response has passed request validation and duplicate checks.
createdDate: The date and time when the quote request was created, as an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp.
ilpPacket: The ILP packet returned from Payee side in response to the quote request.
The Transfer Prepares tab displays details about the transfer request:
transferId: The unique identifier of the transfer.
amount: The amount that the Payer DFSP should transfer to the Payee DFSP.
currencyId: The currency of the transfer amount. A three-letter alphabetic code conforming to ISO 4217.
ilpCondition: The ILP condition that must be fulfilled to commit the transfer.
expirationDate: The transfer's expiration date as an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp.
createdDate: The date and time when the transfer request was created, as an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp.
The Transfer Participants tab displays the following details about the participants of the transfer:
transferParticipantId: The internal identifier of the scheme participant (DFSP) for whom the report is requested, corresponds to participantId
as recorded in the Hub.
transferId: The unique identifier of the transfer.
participantCurrencyId: The currency that the participant (DFSP) transacts in. A three-letter alphabetic code conforming to ISO 4217.
transferParticipantRoleType: The role that the DFSP is playing in the transfer.
ledgerEntryType: The type of financial entry this party is presenting — principal value (that is, the amount of money that the Payer wants the Payee to receive) or interchange fee.
amount: The transfer amount.
createdDate: The date and time when the transfer request was created, as an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp.
The Transfer Fulfilments tab displays the following details about the transfer response:
transferId: The unique identifier of the transfer.
ilpFulfilment: The fulfilment of the ILP condition specified within the transfer request.
completedDate: The date and time when the transfer was completed, as an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp.
isValid: An indicator whether or not the transfer fulfilment is valid.
settlementWindowId: The identifier of the settlement window to which this transfer has been assigned.
createdDate: The date and time when the transfer response was created, as an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp.
The Transfer State Changes tab displays the following details about the states that a transfer goes through:
transferStateChangeId: The unique identifier of the transfer state.
transferId: The unique identifier of the transfer.
enumeration: The state of the transfer (corresponds to transferState
in Payment Manager and the Mojaloop FSPIOP API).
description: The description of what the state means.
reason: The reason why the transfer moved into a particular state.
createdDate: The date and time when the transfer reached a particular state, as an ISO-8601 formatted timestamp.