Creating new Features


Fork the Mojaloop repository into your own personal space. Ensure that you keep the master branch in sync.

Refer to the following documentation for more information:

  1. Clone repo using Git Fork button (refer to the above documentation for more information)

  2. Clone your forked repo: git clone<your_username>/<forked_repo>.git

  3. Synchronise your forked repo with Mojaloop

    Add a new upstream repo for Mojaloop $ git remote add mojaloop<original_repo>.git

    You should now see that you have two remotes:

     git remote -v
     origin<your_username>/<forked_repo>.git (fetch)
     origin<your_username>/<forked_repo>.git (push)
     mojaloop<original_repo>.git (fetch)
     mojaloop<original_repo>.git (push)
  4. To sync to your current branch: git pull mojaloop <current_branch> This will merge any changes from Mojaloop's repo into your forked repo.

  5. Push the changes back to your remote fork: git push origin <current_branch>

Creating a Branch

Create a new branch from the master branch with the following format: <branchType>/<issue#><issueDescription> where issue# can be attained from the Github issue, and the issueDescription is the issue description formatted in CamelCase.

  1. Create and checkout the branch: git checkout -b <branchType>/<issue#><issueDescription>

  2. Push the branch to your remote: git push origin <branchType>/<issue#><issueDescription>

Where <branchType> can be one of the following:



Any new or maintenance features that are in active development.


A hotfix branch is for any urgent fixes.


A release branch containing a snapshot of a release.


A temporary backup branch. Used normally during repo maintenance.

Working on your Feature

Before you start working on your Feature, please run through following steps to help ensure Mojaloop's code-base is well maintained and protected against security issues, note that some of these steps will be required for your Pull-Request (PR) to pass CI validation checks (as indicated below).

It is recommended that npm test is executed after each of these steps to ensure that no breaking-changes have been introduced.

  1. REQUIRED - Update dependencies

    npm run dep:check


    Take note of any Dependencies that have Major Version upgrades, as they may introduce a BREAKING CHANGE. This may require some code-refactoring to accommodate the change.

    Refer to Dependency Management on how dependency upgrades can be ignored if/when required.

    Run the following to update and install the dependencies

    npm run dep:update && npm i
  2. REQUIRED - Vulnerability Checks

    npm run audit:check

npm audit can be used to apply any known available fixes:

npm audit fix --package-lock-only


Take note of any Dependencies that have Version changes, as they may introduce a BREAKING CHANGE.

Refer to Dependency Management for more information.

If there is no available working fix for the vulnerability issue, you will need to do one of the following:

  1. If the repo is using audit-ci - update audit-ci.jsonc with the issue by adding it to the allowlist, and ensure that you add a comment indicating the reason.

  2. If the repo is using npm-audit-resolver - Run npm run audit:resolve and follow the CLI prompts to try fix or ignore the issue (if there is no fix available)

  3. OPTIONAL - Update NodeJS to Active LTS version

    Check the Active LTS version as per Official NodeJS Releases.

    1. Update .nvmrc

    2. Update Dockerfile (for both the builder and runtime containers), ref Runtime Environment - 2.Container (Docker) Operating System (OS).


    Take note that upgrading the NodeJS version may introduce a BREAKING CHANGE. This may require some code-refactoring to accommodate the change.

Open a Pull Request (PR)

Once your feature is ready for review, create a Pull Request from you feature branch back into the master branch on the Mojaloop Repository. If you're new to GitHub or Pull Requests, take a look at this guide for more information.

Pull Request Titles

Mojaloop uses Conventional Commits to help our automated tooling manage releases and deployments. Your Pull Request title _must_conform to the conventional commits specification to pass the CI/CD checks in CircleCI.

By adopting Conventional Commits + Semantic Versioning we can automatically release a new version for a given component and increment the MAJOR, MINOR and BUGFIX versions based soley on the PR titles, and auto generate rich changelogs. (See this example of an auto generated changelog)

Note: When merging (and squashing) a PR, GitHub uses the title of the PR for the git commit message. This means that to specify a breaking change, you must use the ! format: "If included in the type/scope prefix, breaking changes MUST be indicated by a ! immediately before the :. If ! is used, BREAKING CHANGE: MAY be omitted from the footer section, and the commit description SHALL be used to describe the breaking change."

Examples of good PR titles

  • feat(api): add ability to handle PUT /thirdpartyRequests/trasactions/{ID} endpoint

  • fix: update outdated node modules

  • feat(models)!: change database schema

  • chore: tidy up readme

Last updated