Report Developer Guide
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This is a developer guide to building and deploying reports for the reporting REST service that is part of the deployment at the Hub.
Here is the repository of the reporting service operator. The reporting service operator has been designed to be accessed by either a hub operator, or a DFSP operator. Access to the report is controlled through the RBAC integration that is part of the business operations framework. Ory Oathkeeper protects the reporting API end point, and Keto is checked by the reporting service operator for finer grained report specific authorisation. The report data is queried from the SQL Reporting database which is at the moment a one way sync of the central ledger database. Each report is installed on the system as a kubernetes custom resource which is a .yaml file of a particular format that is applied to the kubernetes cluster. Here is the repository of the open sourced report templates. The custom resource definition for a report is defined here which describes the format of the custom resource.
Access to the reports are controlled through the RBAC when the service is deployed through the standard IaC configuration. This means that in order to access a report, a user will need to have the correct authorisation assigned. This is acheived through the assignement of roles to the user, and the assignment of participant access.
The first authorisation check is made by Ory Oathkeeper which has a rule that links the
perission to assess to the reporting service API endpoint.
The next authorisation check is made by the reporting service operator. Permission to access the particulat report is checked. The permission that is checked is defined in the custom resource. This permission is optional and will otherwise use the name (metadata) of the report as defined in the customer resource.
If the report is intended for a particular participant of DFSP, then it is imporant to use the 'dfspId' parameter. This paramter then first check for participant authoriasation before executing and producing the report. I.e.
First you will need to login. The easiest way of doing this is to login to the Financial Portal. This create the authorisation and authentication cookie tokens which the report then uses. Here is an example of accessing the report directly after loggin.
The report supports multiple output formats. To switch between these use the format paramter in the Rest query.
Excel file
Comma seperated values
JSON class format
HTML browser format (this is the default format output)
All aspects of a report are controlled through the mojaloopreport custome resource file. The definition of that file looks as follows.
Example of reports that conform to this custom resource can be found here. Please note that these Yaml files also contain helm directives in these files denoted by the double curly brackets.
If you intend to manually apply these files to kubernetes, these will need to be removed or replaced.
You can use the following command to apply a report custom resource to a kubernetes instance.
Let's cover some of the details in the custome resource.
The first part of the spec: of the report defines how the report is called. I.e.
permission this is where the RBAC permission tag for this report is defined
path this is the endpoint path for this report
params here the paramters for the report are defined and specified if they are required paramters or not.
In the queries section, any number of queries can be defined that are run against the reporting database and loaded into named json classes. Input parameters can be used in the queries by using a colon in front of the parameter name. e.g.
The template part of the custom resource file contains an EJS script that is use to produce the report. These scripts look like html with styling, but contain code within script blocks
The EJS scripts are quite versitile and can be used to change a name text, or define formatting functions, or loops that loop through data.
(Installation this service locally to aid development.) Currently the only way to validate the report design, is to apply the report to the kubernetes that the reporting service is running in. The reporting service will initially validate the report, and then enable the endpoint. The report can be run and checked to see if it meets it's requirements.
This document provides instructions for deploying this service locally, so that a developer can try out their designs before installing the report in a an environment Since the reporting service follows K8S operator pattern, we need to deploy a mini Kubernetes cluster on our machine and deploy the reporting service along with some dependent services.
Please make sure that you have the following softwares installed
Start minikube K8S cluster with the following command
Download the repository
Install helm chart using the following commands
Wait for all the services to be up You can monitor the pods health or use the following commands to wait for the services
Port forward the mysql service
Insert sample data into database. You can change the database name and filename in the following command as per your need.
Adding the custom resource using the following command
Port forward the reporting service
Get the report by opening the following URL in browser
There are multiple ways that a report custom resource can be deployed into an environment. The method that has been chosen and built into the IaC offering involves the use of a helm chart. (This aligns well with other Mojaloop components.)
The IaC enables both a public and a private deployment of reports. The process is identical except for the repository being private and residing within organisation's source control. At a high level the process looks as follows:
Branch and commit changes to the repository where the report is deployed from.
Create a pull request and merge the changes into the master branch of the repository.
Create a new release on the repository. (Depending on configuration this typically kicks off a CICD mechanism that builds and publishes the helm package.)
Update the IaC to depoly the new helm release version for the reports.
Run the appropriate pipeline to perform the deployment.