Local Setup Linux
Local setup on a Laptop or Desktop to run the Mojaloop project.
Setup Introduction
This document will provide guidelines to a technical capable resources to setup, deploy and configure the Mojaloop applications on a local environment, utilizing Docker, Kubernetes and HELM charts.
At this point the reader/implementer should be familiar with Mojaloop's deployment guide. Imported information is contained in that document and as such a prerequisite to this document.
1. Environment recommendations
This environment setup was validated on:
64-bit version of Ubuntu Bionic 18.04(LTS).
This guide is based on Ubuntu 18.04.2 (bionic) on a x86_64 desktop with 8 CPU's and 16GB RAM.
2. Kubernetes
Kubernetes installation for a local environment.
2.1. MicroK8S
We recommend install directly from the snap store, refer to microk8s.io/docs for more information.
Don't have the snap command? Installing snapd.
Installing MicroK8s from snap.
Note: Please check the release notes of your target Mojaloop Helm deployment to see if there are any recommended Kubernetes version prior to installing MicroK8s. The channel parameter specifies the version of Kubernetes to be installed. More information can be found at microk8s.io/docs/setting-snap-channel.
Configure user permission
You will also need to re-enter the session for the group update to take place:
Verify MicroK8s is installed and available.
During installation you can use the --wait-ready flag to wait for the kubernetes services to initialize.
To avoid colliding with a kubectl already installed and to avoid overwriting any existing Kubernetes configuration file, MicroK8s adds a microk8s.kubectl command, configured to exclusively access the new MicroK8s install.
This step is only necessary if you require microk8s.kubectl to function as a standard kubectl command. This DOES NOT mean that you can then use kubectl to access OTHER k8s clusters.
An example of why you would use this: You have a bash script or 3rd party tool that expects kubectl to be available. E.g. If you want to use Helm, it will not work against microk8s.kubectl, thus one MUST setup the alias for Helm to function correctly.
Reverting it at any time;
We will stick with the standard command of prefixing with microk8s. for this guide.
If you already have kubectl installed and would like to use it to access the MicroK8s deployment.
View the current context.
Make sure the current context is microk8s. If not, set it as the current context.
Install an Ingress Controller
Install an Nginx Ingress Controller for MicroK8s by running the command:
Alternatively refer to Deployment Guide - 3.2. Kubernetes Ingress Controller for manual installation.
2.2. Docker
Docker is deployed as part of the MicroK8s installation. The docker daemon used by MicroK8s is listening on unix:///var/snap/microk8s/current/docker.sock. You can access it with the microk8s.docker command.
If you require microk8s.docker to function as a standard docker command, you set an alias
Undo the alias:
Otherwise you can apply the native microK8s commands by prefixing the docker command with
3. Continue with Deployment
Continue setup and configuration from the Mojaloop's deployment guide - 3.2. Kubernetes Admin Interfaces document.
Last updated
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