Critical Change Process
In Mojaloop, the "critical change process" is similar to the "consequential change process" but with additional oversight and a formal sign-off requirement, given the high risk nature of such changes in our operating environment.
For changes which are covered by the critical change definition the following process must be followed:
Propose a product change to the Mojaloop Product Council:
Create a 'Product Change Proposal' in the GitHub 'product-council' project repository here.
Complete the template as thoroughly as possible to ensure a quick turnaround.
Send a message on the #product-council slack channel asking for a review of your proposal.
The Product Council will discuss your proposal with you in order to understand where it fits within the Mojaloop product roadmap.
Propose code changes to the Mojaloop Design Authority:
Create a 'Critical Change Proposal' issue in the GitHub 'design-authority-project' repository here.
Complete the template as thoroughly as possible to ensure a quick turnaround.
Send a message on the #design-authority slack channel asking for a review of your proposal.
The design authority will assign two or more members to work with you on your proposal.
Take part in a design review:
Your assigned design authority members will guide you through an iterative design review process.
Once the design review process is complete your assigned design authority members will formally sign-off your design for implementation to begin
Once your design has been formally signed-off, you may proceed with your change.
Implement and review your code changes:
Create and work on github/zenhub work items in your workstream process as necessary. Be sure to reference the product council ticket and critical change proposal ticket in your item descriptions to enable future traceability.
When you are ready to make pull requests on one or more code repositories, contact your assigned design authority members and ask them ro begin the code review phase.
Be ready to respond to questions and make adjustments during this stage.
Once your assigned design authority members approve your pull request(s) your feature is ready for including in the official Mojaloop release process.
Your assigned design authority members will formally record their approving review of your pull request(s).
Any changes to the design made during implementation must be recorded on the proposal ticket.
What to expect during the design review process
The Mojaloop Design Authority has responsibility for ensuring risks are identified and mitigated appropriately and that our established standards for tools, patterns and practices are upheld. Your assigned design authority member(s) are there to help you achieve the best possible outcome for yourself and the entire Mojaloop community.
Your assigned design authority members will help you identify and mitigate any risks your change may introduce as well as discussing how your design aligns with established tools, patterns and practices.
You will be asked to talk through the reason(s) for your proposed change and to explain what you wish to achieve and how you intend to achieve it.
You should be able to refer to an existing Mojaloop Product Council GitHub ticket showing that you have discussed your work with them and they are happy for the change to be made. Note that the Product Council has a responsibility to maintain a coherent roadmap for our technology and will guide you on the most appropriate way to achieve your business objectives within the Mojaloop context. The Product Council may consult the Design Authority as part of this process.
You should be able to explain how your change will be implemented, which existing components will be affected, how they need to change and your designs for any new components. You should present, as a minimum:
UML sequence diagrams showing each significant component involved in your usecase(s) and how they interact to achieve your desired outcome(s). You should make sure to include error cases as well as "normal" expected behaviours.
Full details of any third-party components you will use as part of your implementation.
Full details of any changes to existing components highlighting the differences between current behaviours and your desired changed and/or new behaviours.
Your assigned Design Authority members will likely ask lots of questions in order to fully understand your proposal and its context.
Your assigned design authority members will help you identify any other potentially impacted contributors, teams or stakeholders to bring them in to the review process. This is done to ensure up and downstream behaviours are not adversely affected and also, to take into account any upcoming changes in other areas of the system. Mojaloop is a large system and it is often helpful to bring in experts from other areas to assist.
The primary goal of your assigned Design Authority members is to identify and mitigate risks that you may not have spotted.
Your assigned design authority members may make suggestions to mitigate risk from your design and may ask you to make specific changes to bring your proposal in line with any established Mojaloop constraints.
Last updated
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