Rules Handler
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The Rules handler provides the capability to execute custom rule-based actions as a result of transfer processing events. Here we are giving example with Interchange fee calculation.
In order to support the various options for accumulating interchange or other fees, we need to generate and settle liabilities incurred as a consequence of making transfers between particular types of customer. The general form of an example rule, that we are using to illustrate how it works is as follows:
If the transaction is a wallet-to-wallet P2P transaction, then the receiver
DFSP pays the sender DFSP 0.6% of the amount of the transaction.
No interchange fees are levied for on-us transactions.
The business decisions around this requirement are: 1. The definition of whether or not a payee account is a wallet is returned by the payee DFSP as part of customer discovery. In the process, the extension
of the transaction should should be extended with characterization of the account. 2. Interchange fees are captured by the switch when there is a matching trigger condition. 3. Interchange fees have the ledger entry type INTERCHANGEFEE and are recorded in accounts whose type is INTERCHANGE_FEE. 4. Interchange fees are settled multilaterally, net and deferred. _Make sure Settlement type and ledger account type for the INTERCHANGE FEE records are availabe
This functionality is implemented as a general process for defining and executing rules, and for taking actions based on the outcome of evaluation of a rule.
The process of evaluating a rule is based on the following assumptions:
There is a standard form of rule evaluation with the following
A transaction object is passed as the parameter to the rule
evaluation function.
The rule evaluation itself uses a combination of simple and/or complex nested if statements
If the rule evaluates to TRUE, then an action should be executeds
An example of a rule function to evaluate an interchange fee rule could be:
If a rule evaluates to TRUE, then appropriate action is taken. In the case of the immediate example of interchange fees, the action taken should be to add two entries to the participants’ interchange fee accounts, on recording the debit from the payee of the interchange fee amount and the other recording the credit to the payer of the interchange fee amount.
There is defined class with methods that represent the actions to be taken. The rule evaluation instatiates the class and calls the appropriate functions.
In the case of the interchange fees, we have defined an action called addLedgerEntry, with the following parameters:
The transfer ID for which the ledger entry is being created
The ledger entry type to be used
The currency in which the amount is denominated
The amount of the fee
The FSP ID of the credit party
The FSP ID of the debit party
This might appear in the rule evaluation function as:
The files should be placed in a scripts directory, configured by the value of the environmental variable SETTINGS__SCRIPTS_FOLDER
Each rule file should be valid JS with the specified headers content. The required headers should be in the exact order and format as they are in the example below the table.
Rule name
Message event type. Corresponds to Kafka topic
Message event action. ex. Commit, Prepare, Log, etc
Status of the operation: success or failure
Time to start abiding the rule
Until when the rule is valid
Rule description
Based on the headers the rule is evaluated to be triggered or not.
In the below example rule script, a message on the notification
topic with action commit
and status success
will trigger the code.
- The contents of the message from the Kafka topic that has the rules script triggered
- The transfer object
getTransferFromCentralLedger(transferId: uuid)
- Retrieves a mojaloop transfer from the central-ledger API.
getExtensionValue(list: array, key: string)
- Gets a value from an extension list
log(message: string)
: allows the script to log to configured logger with level INFO for debugging purposes
multiply(number1: number, number2: number, decimalPlaces: number)
: Uses ml-number to handle multiplication of money values
addLedgerEntry(transferId: uuid, ledgerAccountTypeId: string, ledgerEntryTypeId: string, amount: number, currency: string, payerFspId: string, payeeFspId: string)
: Adds a debit and credit ledger entries with given legdger account type, amount and currency to the accounts of the specified DFSPs