Cross Border Meeting Notes Day 1
In person
Lewis, Crosslake
Adrian, Coil
Nico, MB
Sam, MB
Miguel, MB
Carol Benson, Glenbrook
Michael Richards, MB
Henrik Karlsson, Ericsson
Rob Reeve, MB
Vanburn, Terra Pay
Razin, Terra Pay
Ram, Terra Pay
JJ, Google
Matt Bohan, Gates Foundation
David Power, EY
James Bush, MB
Warren, MB
Judit, MB
Bart-Jan and Bruno from GSMA - Day #2
Kim Walters, Crosslake
Istvan Molnar, DPC
Innocent Ephraim, MB
Session 1
Goal: Update the API definitions
Can I send USD? yes/no
What can I send? list of currencies
Business agreements: there are a few ways this can happen
Global scheme, made up of scheme to scheme agreements
bilateral scheme agreements
scheme to scheme
Gateway FSP: An FSP that 'bridges' across 2 networks e.g. Mowali
2 logical networks (USD,XOF?)
a single mojaloop network
Cross Network Provider (CNP)
FXP, same thing?
there is a reason for that assumption
other legal implications here...
single entity, legally in 2 different jurisdictions
a close analogy of a scheme without jurisdiction
has a tx account that can be debited or credited
bank, fxp etc.
Q: Can we have a participant that doesn't settle? Or would this be covered by CNP that is a party e.g. Visa, doesn't always settle in a given market, but holds an account
Resident vs. Non-resident
reporting requirements are different
what are the technical requirements for reporters?
not too worried about it at this stage (our focus is on the API changes)
we assume that settlement is possible, but need to narrow scope witht the api first
Not only mojaloop
need to allow for non-mojaloop -> mojaloop transfers and vice versa (both inbound and outbound)
must still be interoperable
who provides routing?
Follow Up: Need a formal definition of FXP and CNP roles, along with requirements and responsibilities
At a scheme level
should the sceheme maintain a list of other schemes it allows its FSPs to connect with?
or should the CNP take care of this?
not scheme -> scheme, but part of the onboarding CNP process
but the scheme can/should still maintain rules
how will quoting work? Should an FSP send multiple quotes, one addressed to each CNP? Or should the switch have some rules engine that helps it determine who to send quotes to?
James: We want to be flexible. Can see instances where we would want both to happen, so we shouldn't assume too much at this stage.
Simplest option: The switch talks to the ALS, determines a transfer is not in our network, and then finds a list of CNPs
CNP + FXP -> essentially the same thing
they are Roles, and a DFSP can assume more than 1 role
fxps can also exist in more than 1 zone (e.g. Mowali case)
single network fxp is just an fxp,
multi-network fxp is likely also a CNP
Session 2
debate about single or multiple lookups
we should never return "empty result"
are wallets addressable by MSISDN?
only 1 account at the moment
but this is internal to the switch
the oracle's job is to convert MSIDN -> Mojaloop Address
in the future: MSISDN + accounts will be less related
this topic is adjacently related to addressing
'going outisde' mojaloop with addressing will be a little tricky
Standardize addressing?
not something we want to do
Ram: There are existing tools (no need to reinvent the wheel), outside the mojaloop scheme
sending to unknown currency
currently: 1 routing table answer
future: multiple answers
no real need for hard rules at the moment (at least not at the API level, rules come along with schemes)
we do need a method for mediating information that one switch requires from another (and rejecting quotes should these prerequesites not be met)
Domestic vs. Cross border: USer has/needs different information
e.g. do we only want to support discovery in domestic case?
Adrian: A lot of this stuff is business rule and scheme specific
maintains competitive space
How much information is in the:
Proposal: Address lookup -> Returns multiple responses?
MSISDN -> ID, not an address. Someone, not an account
there should be only 1 response from the ALS
Michael disagrees
need to separate out addressing from routing
we need to think about the downstream affects this will have on testing
need to find a clear way to test these lookups
For example, airtel UPI issue (where existing MSIDSNs were replaced when they grandfathered in their mobile customers to become mobile money customers)
we need to avoid a situation like that
Bring it back to first (L1P) principles
transfers should clear immediately
no such thing as a future
For domestic: we can guarantee delivery, but cross-border is much harder
need to maintain transparency requirement on CNPs
this comes down to business rules
Reversible tx's or rules abour downstream issues
ILP takes care of most of this for us
in TIPS case: 1 ID maps to 1 account
as always, there needs to be a compromise between privacy and features (and that's ok!)
At the end of a quote:
how much will be received
what are the fees? (broken down, by step and currency)
How do we support protocols that don't support quotes (this is a question for moja to non-moja systems)
Risk: CNP: they hold the risk in this type of transaction
CNP as a participant?
holds an account with a participant
direct vs indirect approach
this doesn't affect the technical requirements (so out of scope for this discussion)
fixed send and receive:
What direction does data need to be appended to the quote? It depends on if it is fixed receive vs fixed send
A send 20 USD to B
ORB receives 1000 PHP
translating fees back for user: FXP must apply the same rate for fees as the principal transfer
From L1P Perspective: the goal is transparency
how about quotes outside of Mojaloop?
CNP should take care of this - it is the last bastion of Mojaloopyness
Participant Object
Attached to the Quotes, one entry per hop?
So multi-hop quotes hold n participant objects, where n = number of hops + 1
As part of this we need:
interoperable bits of data (common defs)
scheme for encryption
a place to put the data (in the quotes object)
Should we worry about encryption for now?
perhaps not, but still should allow for it in the API
Encryption adds extra integration challenge
what is the need to get data in the clear?
from a techincal perspective: just use a blank encryption key
Do we need to encrypt to ensure the switch(es) can't see the data?
perhaps not at this stage
No encryption for now
in outbound quote request: have a list of data requirements
for inbound quote request: participants fill out those requirements
if requirements are not met: abort the quote
Don't hardcode the data requirements, we should use existing standards
we need to specify whether or not fields have been verified
ties in with tiered KYC processes
need a common dictionary of data that can/should be requested
Last updated
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