Generic Transaction Patterns
This section contains information about how to use this document.
Conventions Used in This Document
The following conventions are used in this document to identify the specified types of information
Elements of the API, such as resources
Italics within curly brackets
Glossary terms
Italics on first occurrence; defined in Glossary
The purpose of the API is to enable interoperable financial transactions between a Payer (a payer of electronic funds in a payment transaction) located in one FSP (an entity that provides a digital financial service to an end user) and a Payee (a recipient of electronic funds in a payment transaction) located in another FSP.
Library documents
User information should, in general, not be used by API deployments; the security measures detailed in API Signature and API Encryption should be used instead.
Document Version Information
Initial version
This document introduces the four generic transaction patterns that are supported in a logical version of the Interoperability API. Additionally, all logical services that are part of the API are presented on a high-level.
Open API for FSP Interoperability Specification
The Open API for FSP Interoperability Specification includes the following documents.
Logical Documents
Asynchronous REST Binding Documents
Data Integrity, Confidentiality, and Non-Repudiation
General Documents
Logical API Services
The Interoperability API consists of a number of logical API resources. Each resource defines one or more services that clients can use to connect to a server that has implemented the API. This section introduces these services.
Note: API services identified in this section may not be relevant to (and therefore may not appear in) the generic transaction patterns identified in Generic Transaction Patterns.
For example, some services are used for provisioning of information, are part of error cases, or are for retrieving information that is not necessary in a generic transaction pattern.
Common Functionality
This section introduces functionality that is used by more than one logical API resource or service.
Party Addressing
A Party is an entity such as an individual, a business, an organization that has a financial account in one of the FSPs. A party is addressed by a combination of an ID type and an ID, and possibly also a subtype or sub ID. Some examples of ID type and ID combinations are:
ID type: MSISDN, ID: +123456789
ID type: Email, ID:
The API includes basic support for the Interledger Protocol (ILP) by defining a concrete implementation of the Interledger Payment Request protocol1(ILP) in the logical API resources Quotes and Transfers. More details of the ILP protocol can be found on the Interledger project website2, in the Interledger Whitepaper3, and in the Interledger architecture specification4.
API Resource Participants
In the API, a Participant is the same as an FSP that is participating in an Interoperability Scheme. The primary purpose of the logical API resource Participants is for FSPs to find out in which other FSP a counterparty in an interoperable financial transaction is located. There are also services defined for the FSPs to provision information to a common system.
This section identifies the logical API service requests that can be sent from a client to a server.
Lookup Participant Information
The logical API service request Lookup Participant Information
is used from an FSP to request from another system, which could be another FSP or a common system, information regarding in which FSP a counterparty in an interoperable financial transaction is located.
Successful response: Return Participant Information
Error response: Return Participant Information Error
Create Participant Information
The logical API service request Create Participant Information
is used to provision information regarding in which FSP a party is located.
Successful response: Return Participant Information
Error response: Return Participant Information Error
Create Bulk Participant Information
The logical API service request Create Bulk Participant Information
is used to provision information regarding in which FSP one or more parties are located.
Successful response: Return Bulk Participant Information
Error response: Return Bulk Participant Information Error
Delete Participant Information
The logical API service request Delete Participant Information
is used to remove information regarding in which FSP a party is located.
Successful response: Return Participant Information
Error response: Return Participant Information Error
This section identifies the logical API service responses that can be sent back to a client from a server.
Return Participant Information
The logical API service response Return Participant Information
is used to return information from the requests Lookup Participant Information, Create Participant Information and Delete Participant Information.
Return Bulk Participant Information
The logical API service response Return Bulk Participant Information
is used to return information from the request Create Bulk Participant Information.
Error Responses
This section identifies the logical API service error responses that can be sent back to a client from a server.
Return Participant Information Error
The logical API service error response Return Participant Information Error
is used to return error information regarding the requests Lookup Participant Information, Create Participant Information and Delete Participant Information.
Return Bulk Participant Information Error
The logical API service error response Return Bulk Participant Information Error
is used to return information from the request Create Bulk Participant Information.
API Resource Parties
In the API, a Party is an individual, a business, an organization, or a similar entity, that has a financial account in one of the FSPs. The primary purpose of the logical API resource Parties is for FSPs to ascertain information regarding a counterparty in an interoperable financial transaction, such as name and birth date of the Party.
This section identifies the logical API service requests that can be sent from a client to a server.
Lookup Party Information
The logical API service request Lookup Party Information
is used by an FSP to request from another FSP information regarding a counterparty in an interoperable financial transaction.
Successful response: Return Party Information.
Error response: Return Party Information Error.
This section identifies the logical API service responses that can be sent back to a client from a server.
Return Party Information
The logical API service response Return Party Information
is used to return information from the request Lookup Party Information.
Error Responses
This section identifies the logical API service error responses that can be sent back to a client from a server.
Return Party Information Error
The logical API service error response Return Party Information Error
is used to return error information regarding the request Lookup Party Information.
API Resource Transaction Requests
In the API, a Transaction Request is a request from a Payee to a Payer to transfer electronic funds to the Payee, which the Payer can accept or reject. The primary purpose of the logical API resource Transaction Requests is for a Payee FSP to send the request to transfer to the Payer FSP.
This section identifies the logical API service requests that can be sent from a client to a server.
Perform Transaction Request
The logical API service request Perform Transaction Request
is used to send a Transaction Request from a Payee FSP to the Payer FSP; that is, to ask if a Payer will accept or reject a transaction from the Payer to the Payee.
Successful response: Return Transaction Request Information
Error response: Return Transaction Request Information Error
Retrieve Transaction Request Information
The logical API service request Retrieve Transaction Request Information
is used from a Payee FSP to a Payer FSP to request information regarding a previously-sent Transaction Request.
Successful response: Return Transaction Request Information
Error response: Return Transaction Request Information Error
This section identifies the logical API service responses that can be sent back to a client from a server.
Return Transaction Request Information
The logical API service response Return Transaction Request Information
is used to return information from the requests Perform Transaction Request or Retrieve Transaction Request Information.
Error Responses
This section identifies the logical API service error responses that can be sent back to a client from a server.
Return Transaction Request Information Error
The logical API service error response Return Transaction Request Information Error
is used to return error information regarding the requests Perform Transaction Request or Retrieve Transaction Request Information.
API Resource Quotes
In the API, a Quote is the price for performing an interoperable financial transaction from the Payer FSP to the Payee FSP. The primary purpose of the logical API resource Quotes is for a Payer FSP to request a Payee FSP to calculate the Payee FSP's part of the quote.
This section identifies the logical API service requests that can be sent from a client to a server.
Calculate Quote
The logical API service request Calculate Quote
is used from a Payer FSP to ask a Payee FSP to calculate the Payee FSP's part of the quote to perform an interoperable financial transaction. The Payee FSP should also create the ILP Packet and the condition (see Interledger section for links to more information) when receiving the request.
Successful response: Return Quote Information
Error response: Return Quote Information Error
Retrieve Quote Information
The logical API service request Retrieve Quote Information
is used by a Payer FSP to request that a Payee FSP ask for information regarding a previously-sent Calculate Quote request.
Successful response: Return Quote Information
Error response: Return Quote Information Error
This section identifies the logical API service responses that can be sent back to a client from a server.
Return Quote Information
The logical API service response Return Quote Information
is used to return information from the requests Calculate Quote or Retrieve Quote Information.
Error Responses
This section identifies the logical API service error responses that can be sent back to a client from a server.
Return Quote Information Error
The logical API service error response Return Quote Information Error
is used to return error information regarding the requests Calculate Quote or Retrieve Quote Information.
API Resource Authorizations
In the API, an Authorization is an approval from a Payer to perform an interoperable financial transaction by entering the applicable credentials in a Payee FSP system. An example where this kind of approval is used, is when a Payer is using an ATM that is managed by another FSP. The primary purpose of the logical API resource Authorizations is for a Payer FSP to request a Payee FSP to ask the Payer to enter the credentials.
This section identifies the logical API service requests that can be sent from a client to a server.
Perform Authorization
The logical API service request Perform Authorization
is used from a Payer FSP to ask a Payee FSP to enter the applicable credentials to approve an interoperable financial transaction.
Successful response: Return Authorization Result
Error response: Return Authorization Error
This section identifies the logical API service responses that can be sent back to a client from a server.
Return Authorization Result
The logical API service response Return Authorization Result
is used to return information from the request Perform Authorization.
Error Responses
This section identifies the logical API service error responses that can be sent back to a client from a server.
Return Authorization Error
The logical API service error response Return Authorization Error
is used to return error information regarding the request Perform Authorization.
API Resource Transfers
In the API, a Transfer is hop-to-hop ILP (see Interledger section for links to more information) transfer of funds.
The transfer also contains information regarding the end-to-end interoperable financial transaction. The primary purpose of the logical API resource Transfers is for an FSP or Switch to request that the next entity in the chain of the ILP Payment perform the transfer involved in the interoperable financial transaction.
This section identifies the logical API service requests that can be sent from a client to a server.
Perform Transfer
The logical API service request Perform Transfer
is used by an FSP or Switch to request the next entity in the chain of the ILP Payment to reserve the transfer involved in an interoperable financial transaction.
Successful response: Return Transfer Information
Error response: Return Transfer Information Error
Retrieve Transfer Information
The logical API service request Retrieve Transfer Information
is used by an FSP or Switch to request the next entity in the chain of the ILP Payment for information regarding the transfer involved in an interoperable financial transaction.
Successful response: Return Transfer Information
Error response: Return Transfer Information Error
This section identifies the logical API service responses that can be sent back to a client from a server.
Return Transfer Information
The logical API service response Return Transfer Information
is used to return information from the requests Perform Transfer or Retrieve Transfer Information. On receiving the Return Transfer Information response, the FSP or Switch should validate the fulfilment (see Interledger section for links to more information) and commit the reserved transfer if the validation is successful.
Error Responses
This section identifies the logical API service error responses that can be sent back to a client from a server.
Return Transfer Information Error
The logical API service error response Return Transfer Information Error
is used to return error information regarding the requests Perform Transfer or Retrieve Transfer Information.
API Resource Transactions
In the API, a Transaction is an end-to-end interoperable financial transaction between the Payer FSP and Payee FSP. The primary purpose of the logical API resource Transactions is for a Payer FSP to request end-to-end information from the Payee FSP regarding an interoperable financial transaction; for example, in order to get a token or code that the Payer can use to redeem a service or product.
This section identifies the logical API service requests that can be sent from a client to a server.
Retrieve Transaction Information
The logical API service request Retrieve Transaction Information
is used by a Payer FSP to request that a Payee FSP get information regarding a previously-performed interoperable financial transaction (by using the logical API resource Transfers, see API Resource Tarnsfers section).
Successful response: Return Transfer Information
Error response: Return Transfer Information Error
This section identifies the logical API service responses that can be sent back to a client from a server.
Return Transaction Information
The logical API service response*Return Transaction Information
is used to return information from the request Retrieve Transfer Information.
Error Responses
This section identifies the logical API service error responses that can be sent back to a client from a server.
Return Transaction Information Error
The logical API service error response Return Transaction Information Error
is used to return error information regarding the request Retrieve Transfer Information.
API Resource Bulk Quotes
In the API, a Bulk Quote is a collection of individual quotes (see API Resource Quotes section for information regarding a single quote) for performing more than one interoperable financial transaction from the Payer FSP to the Payee FSP.
The primary purpose of the logical API resource Bulk Quotes is for a Payer FSP to request a Payee FSP to calculate the Payee FSP's part of the bulk quote.
This section identifies the logical API service requests that can be sent from a client to a server.
Calculate Bulk Quote
The logical API service request Calculate Bulk Quote
is used by a Payer FSP to request that a Payee FSP calculate the Payee FSP's part of the quotes to perform more than one interoperable financial transaction.
The Payee FSP should also create the ILP Packet and the condition (see Interledger section for links to more information) per quote when receiving the request.
Successful response: Return Bulk Quote Information
Error response: Return Bulk Quote Information Error
Retrieve Bulk Quote Information
The logical API service request Retrieve Bulk Quote Information
is used by a Payer FSP to request that a Payee FSP ask for information regarding a previously-sent Calculate Bulk Quote request.
Successful response: Return Bulk Quote Information
Error response: Return Bulk Quote Information Error
This section identifies the logical API service responses that can be sent back to a client from a server.
Return Bulk Quote Information
The logical API service response Return Bulk Quote Information
is used to return information from the requests Calculate Bulk Quote or Retrieve Bulk Quote Information.
Error Responses
This section identifies the logical API service error responses that can be sent back to a client from a server.
Return Bulk Quote Information Error
The logical API service error response Return Bulk Quote Information Error
is used to return error information regarding the requests Calculate Bulk Quote or Retrieve Bulk Quote Information.
API Resource Bulk Transfers
In the API, a Bulk Transfer is a collection of hop-to-hop ILP (see Interledger.section for links to more information) transfers of funds. The transfers also contain information regarding the end-to-end interoperable financial transactions.
The primary purpose of the logical API resource Bulk Transfers is to enable an FSP or Switch to request that the next entity in the chain of the ILP Payment perform the transfers involved in the interoperable financial transactions.
This section identifies the logical API service requests that can be sent from a client to a server.
Perform Bulk Transfer
The logical API service request Perform Bulk Transfer
is used by an FSP or Switch to request that the next entity in the chain of the ILP Payment reserve the transfer involved in an interoperable financial transaction.
Successful response: Return Bulk Transfer Information
Error response: Return Bulk Transfer Information Error
Retrieve Bulk Transfer Information
The logical API service request Retrieve Bulk Transfer Information
is used from an FSP or Switch to request that the next entity in the chain of the ILP Payment for information regarding the transfer involved in an interoperable financial transaction.
Successful response: Return Bulk Transfer Information
Error response: Return Bulk Transfer Information Error
This section identifies the logical API service responses that can be sent back to a client from a server.
Return Bulk Transfer Information
The logical API service response Return Bulk Transfer Information
is used to return information from the requests Perform Bulk Transfer or Retrieve Bulk Transfer Information.
On receiving the response Return Bulk Transfer Information, the FSP or Switch should validate the fulfilments (see Interledger section for links to more information) and commit the reserved transfers if the validations are successful.
Error Responses
This section identifies the logical API service error responses that can be sent back to a client from a server.
Return Bulk Transfer Information Error
The logical API service error response Return Bulk Transfer Information Error
is used to return error information regarding the requests Perform Bulk Transfer or Retrieve Bulk Transfer Information.
Generic Transaction Patterns
This section provides information about the three primary transaction patterns defined in the Interoperability API:
Each transaction pattern defines how funds can be transferred from a Payer located in one Financial Service Provider (FSP) to a Payee located in another FSP.
Both the Payer-Initiated Transaction and the Payee-Initiated Transaction patterns are intended for a single transfer of funds from one Payer to one Payee. The significant difference between the two patterns is in which of the participants in the transaction is responsible for the initiation of the transaction.
The Bulk Transaction pattern should be used when a single Payer would like to transfer funds to multiple Payees, possibly in different FSPs, in a single transaction.
This section also provides information about Payee-Initiated Transaction using OTP. which is an alternative to the Payee-Initiated Transaction.
Additionally, the section provides high-level information about all logical services that are part of the API.
Payer-Initiated Transaction
In a Payer-Initiated Transaction, the Payer
initiates the transaction.
Business Process Pattern Description
The Payer-Initiated Transaction pattern should be used whenever a Payer
would like to transfer funds to another party whose account is not located in the same FSP.
In most implementations, Payee
involvement is limited to receiving a notification in the event of a successful transaction. Exceptions in which the Payee is more involved are:
In countries that require the
to confirm receipt of funds.Cases in which the
should accept the terms of the transaction (for example, Agent-Initiated Cash-In).
Participants and Roles
The actors in a Payer-Initiated Transaction are:
Payer -- The payer of funds in a financial transaction.
Payee -- The recipient of funds in a financial transaction.
The intermediary objects used in a Payer-Initiated Transaction to perform the transaction are:
Payer FSP -- The FSP in which the Payer's account is located.
Switch (optional) -- An optional entity used for routing of requests between different FSPs. This object can be removed if requests should be routed directly between a Payer and Payee FSP.
Account Lookup System -- An entity used for retrieving information regarding accounts or participants. Could be hosted in a separate server, in the Switch, or in the different FSPs.
Payee FSP -- The FSP in which the Payee's account is located.
Business Process Sequence Diagram
Figure 1 shows the UML sequence diagram for a Payer-Initiated Transaction.
Figure 1 -- Payer-Initiated Transaction
Internal Processing Steps
This section provides descriptions of and assumptions made for all steps in the sequence shown in Figure 1.
Lookup Counterparty
initiates the transaction by requesting to send funds to aPayee
, using thePayer FSP
's front-end API (outside the scope of this API).Assumptions
Payer FSP
tries to find thePayee
within the FSP system. Because thePayee
cannot be found in thePayer FSP
system, the request Lookup Party Information is sent by thePayer FSP
to the optionalSwitch
to get information regarding thePayee
, including in which FSP thePayee
is located.Assumptions
The Payee is assumed to be in a different FSP than the
. Also, aSwitch
is assumed to be placed between thePayer FSP
and thePayee FSP
to route the messages between FSPs. TheSwitch
is optional in the process, as the request Lookup Party Information could also be sent directly to thePayee FSP
if there is noSwitch
in-between. As thePayer FSP
should not know in which FSP thePayee
is located if there is noSwitch
present, the request might need to be sent to more than one FSP.Description
receives the request Lookup Party Information. TheSwitch
then tries to find in which FSP thePayee
is located by sending the request Lookup Participant Information to theAccount Lookup System
Account Lookup System
is assumed to exist in a different server than theSwitch
. It is possible that theAccount Lookup System
is in the same system as theSwitch
Account Lookup System
receives the request Lookup Participant Information. It then performs an internal lookup to find in which FSP thePayee
is located. When the lookup is completed, the response Return Participant Information is sent to inform the Switch about which FSP thePayee
is located in.Assumptions
can be found by theAccount Lookup System
receives the response Return Participant Information. As theSwitch
now knows in which FSP thePayee
is located, theSwitch
sends the request Lookup Participant Information to thePayee FSP
to get more information about thePayee
Payee FSP
receives the request Lookup Participant Information. ThePayee FSP
then does an internal lookup to find more information regarding thePayee
and sends the response Return Participant Information to theSwitch
receives the response Return Party Information. TheSwitch
then routes the Return Party Information response to thePayer FSP
to send the information about thePayee
Payer FSP
receives the response Return Party Information containing information about thePayee
Calculate Quote
Depending on the fee model used, the
Payer FSP
rates the transaction internally and includes the quote information in the request Calculate Quote to aSwitch
to retrieve the full quote for performing the interoperable financial transaction from thePayer FSP
to thePayee FSP
. The transaction details are sent in the parameters of the request to allow for thePayee FSP
to correctly calculate the quote.Assumptions
In this sequence, a
is placed between thePayer FSP
and thePayee FSP
to route the messages. TheSwitch
is optional in the process, as the requestCalculate Quote could also be sent directly to thePayee FSP
if there is noSwitch
receives the Calculate Quote request. TheSwitch
then routes the request to thePayee FSP
, using the same parameters.Assumptions
Payee FSP
receives the Calculate Quote request. ThePayee FSP
then internally calculates the fees or FSP commission for performing the transaction. It then constructs the ILP Packet containing the ILP Address of thePayee
, the amount that thePayee
will receive, and the transaction details. The fulfilment and the condition are then generated out of the ILP Packet combined with a local secret.Assumptions
Optional procedure: Quote Confirmation by Payee
a. Description
Depending on the use case and the fee model used, the
might be informed of the quote in order to confirm the proposed financial transaction. The quote is in that case sent to thePayee
using a front-end API (outside the scope of this API). ThePayee
receives the quote including information regarding the transaction including fees and optionallyPayer
name. ThePayee
then confirms the quote using a front-end API (outside the scope of this API), and thePayee FSP
receives the confirmation from thePayee
is assumed to accept and confirm the quote. If thePayee
would reject the quote, an error response would be sent from thePayee
FSP to thePayer FSP
via theSwitch
to inform about the rejected quote.End of Optional procedure
Payee FSP
uses the response Return Quote Information to theSwitch
to return information to thePayer FSP
about the quote, the ILP Packet, and the condition. The quote has an expiration time, to inform thePayer FSP
until which point in time the quote is valid.Assumptions
receives the response Return Quote Information. TheSwitch
will then route the response to thePayer FSP
Payer FSP
receives the responseReturn Quote Information from theSwitch
. ThePayer FSP
then informs thePayer
using a front-end API (outside the scope of this API) about the total fees to perform the transaction, along with thePayee
The total quote can be calculated by the
Payer FSP
. Also, thePayee
name was allowed to be sent during the counterparty lookup (depending on regulation on privacy laws).Description
receives the transaction information including fees, taxes and optionallyPayee
name. If thePayer
rejects the transaction, the sequence ends here.Assumptions
is assumed to approve the transaction in this sequence. If thePayer
would reject the transaction at this stage, no response regarding the rejection is sent to thePayee FSP
. The created quote at thePayee FSP
should have an expiry time, at which time it is automatically deleted.
Perform Transfer
Payer FSP
receives an approval of the interoperable financial transaction using a front-end API (out of scope of this API). ThePayer FSP
then performs all applicable internal transaction validations (for example, limit checks, blacklist check, and so on). If the validations are successful, a transfer of funds is reserved from thePayer
's account to either a combinedSwitch
account or aPayee FSP
account, depending on setup. After the transfer has been successfully reserved, the request Perform Transfer is sent to theSwitch
to request theSwitch
to transfer the funds from thePayer FSP
account in the Switch to thePayee FSP
account. The request Perform Transfer includes a reference to the earlier quote, an expiry of the transfer, the ILP Packet, and the condition that was received from thePayee FSP
. The interoperable financial transaction is now irrevocable from thePayer FSP
Internal validations and reservation are assumed to be successful. In this sequence, a
is placed between thePayer FSP
and thePayee FSP
to route the messages. TheSwitch
is optional in the process, as the request Perform Transfer could also be sent directly to thePayee FSP
if there is noSwitch
receives the request Perform Transfer. TheSwitch
then performs all its applicable internal transfer validations (for example, limit checks blacklist check and so on). If the validations are successful, a transfer is reserved from aPayer FSP
account to aPayee FSP
account. After the transfer has been successfully reserved, the request Perform Transfer is sent to thePayee FSP
, including the same ILP Packet and condition as was received from thePayer FSP
. The expiry time should be decreased by theSwitch
so that thePayee FSP
should answer before theSwitch
answers to thePayer FSP
. The transfer is now irrevocable from theSwitch
Internal validations and reservation are successful.
Payee FSP
receives the request Perform Transfer. ThePayee FSP
then performs all applicable internal transaction validations (for example, limit checks, blacklist check, and so on). It also verifies that the amount and ILP Address in the ILP Packet are correct and match the amount andPayee
in the transaction details stored in the ILP Packet. If all the validations are successful, a transfer of funds is performed from either a combinedSwitch
account or aPayer FSP
account to thePayee
's account and the fulfilment of the condition is regenerated, using the same secret as in Step 11. After the interoperable financial transaction has been successfully performed, a transaction notification is sent to thePayee
using a front-end API (out of scope of this API) and the response Return Transfer Information is sent to theSwitch
, including the regenerated fulfilment. The transfer is now irrevocable from thePayee FSP
Internal validations and transfer of funds are successful.
receives a transaction notification containing information about the successfully performed transaction.Assumptions
receives the response Return Transfer Information. TheSwitch
then validates the fulfilment and commits the earlier reserved transfer. TheSwitch
then uses the response Return Transfer Information to thePayer FSP
, using the same parameters.Assumptions
The fulfilment is assumed to be correctly validated.
Payer FSP
receives the response Return Transfer Information. ThePayer FSP
then validates the fulfilment and commits the earlier reserved transaction.Assumptions
The fulfilment is assumed to be correctly validated.
Optional fragment: Get Transaction Details
In case the interoperable financial transaction contains additional information that is useful for the
or thePayer FSP
, such as a code or a voucher token, thePayer FSP
can use the request Return Transfer Information to get the additional transaction information. The request Retrieve Transaction Information is sent to theSwitch
receives the request Retrieve Transaction Information. TheSwitch
then routes the Retrieve Transaction Information request to thePayee FSP
Payee FSP
receives the request Retrieve Transaction Information. ThePayee FSP
then collects the requested information and sends the response Return Transaction Information to theSwitch
The transaction with the provided ID can be found in the
Payee FSP
receives the response Return Transaction Information. The Switch then routes the Return Transaction Information response to thePayer FSP
Payer FSP
receives the response Return Transaction Information.Assumptions
End of Optional fragment
Payer FSP
sends a transaction notification to thePayee
using a front-end API (out of scope of this API), optionally including transaction details retrieved from thePayee FSP
receives a transaction notification containing information about the successfully performed transaction.Assumptions
Payee-Initiated Transaction
In a Payee-Initiated Transaction, the Payee
(that is, the recipient of electronic funds) initiates the transaction.
Business Process Pattern Description
The pattern should be used whenever a Payee
would like to receive funds from another party whose account is not located in the same FSP.
In all alternatives to this pattern, the Payer
must in some way confirm the request of funds. Some possible alternatives for confirming the request are:
Manual approval -- A transaction request is routed from the Payee to the Payer, the Payer can then either approve or reject the transaction.
Pre-approval of Payee -- A Payer can pre-approve a specific Payee to request funds, used for automatic approval of, for example, school fees or electric bills.
Another alternative for approval is to use the business pattern Payee-Initiated Transaction using OTP.
Participants and Roles
The actors in a Payee-Initiated Transaction are:
Payer -- The payer of funds in a financial transaction.
Payee -- The recipient of funds in a financial transaction.
The intermediary objects used in a Payee-Initiated Transaction to perform the transaction are:
Payer FSP -- The FSP in which the Payer's account is located.
Switch (optional) -- An optional entity used for routing of requests between different FSPs. This object can be removed if requests should be routed directly between a Payer and Payee FSP.
Account Lookup System -- An entity used for retrieving information regarding accounts or participants. Could be hosted in a separate server, in the Switch, or in the different FSPs.
Payee FSP -- The FSP in which the Payee's account is located.
Business Process Sequence Diagram
Figure 2 shows the UML sequence diagram for a Payee-Initiated Transaction.
Figure 2 -- Payee-Initiated Transaction
Internal Processing Steps
This section provides descriptions of and assumptions made for all steps in the sequence shown in Figure 2 above.
Lookup Counterparty
initiates the transaction by requesting to receive funds from aPayer
, using thePayee FSP
's front-end API (outside the scope of this API).Assumptions
Payee FSP
tries to find the Payer within the FSP system. Because thePayer
cannot be found in thePayee FSP
system, thePayee FSP
sends the request to the optionalAccount Lookup System
to get information regarding in which FSP thePayer
is located.Assumptions
is assumed to be located in a different FSP than thePayee
. Also, anAccount Lookup System
is assumed to exist.The
Account Lookup System
is optional in the process, as the request Lookup Participant Information could also be sent directly to thePayer FSP
if there is noAccount Lookup System
. As thePayee FSP
should not know in which FSP the Payer is located if there is noAccount Lookup System
present, the request might need to be sent to more than one FSP. It is also possible that thePayee FSP
would like more information about thePayer
before a transaction request is sent; in that case the request Lookup Participant Information, either to the Switch or directly to thePayer FSP
, should be sent instead of Lookup Participant Information to theAccount Lookup System
Account Lookup System
receives the Lookup Participant Information. It then performs an internal lookup to find in which FSP thePayer
is located. When the lookup is completed, the response Return Participant Information is sent to inform thePayee FSP
about which FSP thePayer
is located.Assumptions
can be found by theAccount Lookup System
Payee FSP
receives the response Return Participant Information.Assumptions
Transaction Request
Payee FSP
sends the request Perform Transaction Request to theSwitch
. The request contains the transaction details including the amount that the Payee would like to receive.Assumptions
In this sequence, a
is placed between thePayee FSP
and thePayer FSP
to route the messages. TheSwitch
is optional in the process, as the request Perform Transaction Request could also be sent directly to thePayer FSP
if there is no Switch in-between.Description
receives the Perform Transaction Request. TheSwitch
then routes the request to thePayer FSP
, using the same parameters.Assumptions
Payer FSP
receives the request Perform Transaction Request. ThePayer FSP
then optionally validates the transaction request (for example, whether thePayer
exists) and uses the response Return Transaction Request Information to inform thePayee FSP
via theSwitch
that the transaction request has been received.Assumptions
The optional validation succeeds.
receives the response Return Transaction Request Information. TheSwitch
then sends the same response Return Transaction Request Information to inform thePayee FSP
about the successfully delivered transaction request to thePayer FSP
Payee FSP
receives the response Return Transaction Request Information from theSwitch
Calculate Quote
Payer FSP
rates the transaction internally based on the fee model used and includes the quote information in the requestCalculate Quote to aSwitch
to retrieve the full quote for performing the interoperable financial transaction from thePayer FSP
to thePayee FSP
. The transaction details, including a reference to the earlier sent transaction request, are sent in the parameters of the request to allow for thePayee FSP
to correctly calculate the quote.Assumptions
In this sequence, a
is placed between thePayer FSP
and thePayee FSP
to route the messages. TheSwitch
is optional in the process, as the request Calculate Quote could also be sent directly to thePayee FSP
if there is noSwitch
receives the Calculate Quote request. TheSwitch
then routes the request to thePayee FSP
Payee FSP
receives the Calculate Quote request. ThePayee FSP
then internally calculates the fees or FSP commission for performing the transaction. It then constructs the ILP Packet containing the ILP Address of thePayee
, the amount that thePayee
will receive, and the transaction details. The fulfilment and the condition are then generated out of the ILP Packet combined with a local secret.Assumptions
Depending on use case and the fee model used, the
might be informed of the quote so that thePayee
can confirm the proposed financial transaction. The quote is in that case sent to thePayee
using a front-end API (outside the scope of this API). ThePayee
receives the quote including information regarding the transaction including fees and optionally Payer name. ThePayee
then confirms the quote using a front-end API (outside the scope of this API). ThePayee FSP
receives the confirmation from thePayee
The quote is assumed to be sent to the
for confirmation, and thePayee
is assumed to accept and confirm the quote. If thePayee
would reject the quote, an error response would be sent from thePayee FSP
to thePayer FSP
via theSwitch
to inform about the rejected quote.End of Optional fragment
Payee FSP
uses the response Return Quote Information to theSwitch
to return information to thePayer FSP
about the quote, the ILP Packet, and the condition. The quote has an expiration time, to inform thePayer FSP
until which point in time the quote is valid.Assumptions
receives the response Return Quote Information. TheSwitch
then routes the response to thePayer FSP
Payer FSP
receives the response Return Quote Information from theSwitch
. ThePayer FSP
then informs thePayer
using a front-end API (outside the scope of this API) about the transaction request from thePayee
, including the amount and the total fees required to perform the transaction, along with thePayee
The total quote can be calculated by the
Payer FSP
. Also, thePayee
name was allowed to be sent during the counterparty lookup (depending on regulation on privacy laws).Description
receives the transaction request information including fees, taxes and optionallyPayee
If the
rejects the transaction request, the sequence proceeds to Step 18. If thePayer
approves the transaction request, the sequence proceeds to Step 22.Alternative: Transaction Rejection
Payer FSP
receives the rejection of the transaction request using a front-end API (out of scope of this API). ThePayer FSP
then uses the response Return Transaction Request Information with a rejected status to inform theSwitch
that the transaction was rejected.Assumptions
is assumed to reject the transaction request in Step 17.Description
receives the response Return Transaction Request Information from thePayer FSP
. TheSwitch
then routes the response Return Transaction Request Information to thePayee FSP
Payee FSP
receives the response *Return Transaction Request Information with a rejected status from theSwitch
. ThePayee FSP
then informs the Payee using a front-end API (outside the scope of this API) about the rejected transaction request.Assumptions
receives the notification that the transaction was rejected. The process ends here as the transaction request was rejected and thePayee
has been informed of the decision.Assumptions
Alternative: Perform Transfer
Payer FSP
receives an approval of the interoperable financial transaction using a front-end API (out of scope of this API). ThePayer FSP
then performs all applicable internal transaction validations (for example, limit checks, blacklist check, and so on). If the validations are successful, a transfer of funds is reserved from thePayer
's account to either a combinedSwitch
account or aPayee FSP
account, depending on setup. After the transfer has been successfully reserved, the request Perform Transfer is sent to theSwitch
to request theSwitch
to transfer the funds from thePayer FSP
account in theSwitch
to thePayee FSP
account. The request Perform Transfer includes a reference to the earlier quote, an expiry of the transfer, the ILP Packet, and the condition that was received from thePayee FSP
. The interoperable financial transaction is now irrevocable from thePayer FSP
is assumed to approve the transaction request in Step 17. Internal validations and reservation are assumed to be successful. In this sequence, aSwitch
is placed between thePayer FSP
and thePayee FSP
to route the messages. The Switch is optional in the process, as the request Perform Transfer could also be sent directly to thePayee FSP
if there is noSwitch
receives the request Perform Transfer. TheSwitch
then performs all its applicable internal transfer validations (for example, limit checks, blacklist check, and so on). If the validations are successful, a transfer is reserved from aPayer FSP
account to aPayee FSP
account. After the transfer has been successfully reserved, the request Perform Transfer is sent to thePayee FSP
, including the same ILP Packet and condition as was received from the Payer FSP. The expiry time should be decreased by theSwitch
, so that thePayee FSP
should answer before theSwitch
should answer to thePayer FSP
. The transfer is now irrevocable from theSwitch
Internal validations and reservation are successful.
Payee FSP
receives the request Perform Transfer. ThePayee FSP
then performs all applicable internal transaction validations (for example, limit checks, blacklist check, and so on). It also verifies that the amount and ILP Address in the ILP Packet are correct and match the amount andPayee
in the transaction details stored in the ILP Packet. If all the validations are successful, a transfer of funds is performed from either a combinedSwitch
account or aPayer FSP
account to thePayee
's account and the fulfilment of the condition is regenerated, using the same secret as in Step 11. After the interoperable financial transaction has been successfully performed, a transaction notification is sent to the Payee using a front-end API (out of scope of this API) and the response Return Transfer Information is sent to theSwitch
, including the regenerated fulfilment. The transfer is now irrevocable from thePayee FSP
Internal validations and transfer of funds are successful.
receives a transaction notification containing information about the successfully performed transaction.Assumptions
receives the response Return Transfer Information. TheSwitch
then validates the fulfilment and commits the earlier reserved transfer. TheSwitch
then uses the response Return Transfer Information to thePayer FSP
, using the same parameters.Assumptions
The fulfilment is assumed to be correctly validated.
Payer FSP
receives the response Return Transfer Information. ThePayer FSP
then validates the fulfilment and commits the earlier reserved transaction.Assumptions
The fulfilment is assumed to be correctly validated.
Optional fragment: Get Transaction Details
In case the interoperable financial transaction contains additional information that is useful for the
or thePayer FSP
; for example, a code or a voucher token, thePayer FSP
can use the request Retrieve Transaction Information to get the additional information. The request Retrieve Transaction Information is sent to theSwitch
receives the request Retrieve Transaction Information. TheSwitch
then routes the request Retrieve Transaction Information to thePayee FSP
Payee FSP
receives the request Retrieve Transaction Information. ThePayee FSP
then collects the requested information and uses the response Retrieve Transaction Information to theSwitch
The transaction with the provided ID can be found in the Payee FSP.
receives the response Retrieve Transaction Information. TheSwitch
then routes the Retrieve Transaction Information response to thePayer FSP
Payer FSP
receives the response Retrieve Transaction Information from theSwitch
End of Optional fragment
Payer FSP
sends a transaction notification to thePayee
using a front-end API (out of scope of this API), optionally including transaction details retrieved from thePayee FSP
receives a transaction notification containing information about the successfully performed transaction.Assumptions
Payee-Initiated Transaction using OTP
A Payee-Initiated Transaction using OTP is very similar to a Payee-Initiated Transaction, but the transaction information (including fees and taxes) and approval for the Payer
is shown/entered on a Payee
device instead.
Business Process Pattern Description
The pattern should be used when a Payee
would like to receive funds from another party whose account is not located in the same FSP, and both the transaction information (including fees and taxes) and approval is shown/entered on a Payee
device instead.
Approval using OTP -- A
can approve a transaction by first creating an OTP in his/her FSP. An alternative to user- initiated creation of OTP is that the OTP is automatically generated and sent by thePayer FSP
. The same OTP is then entered by thePayer
in aPayee
device, usually a POS device or an ATM. The OTP in the transaction request is automatically matched by thePayer FSP
to either approve or reject the transaction. The OTP does not need to be encrypted as it should only be valid once during a short time period.
Participants and Roles
The actors in a Payee-Initiated Transaction using OTP are:
Payer -- The payer of funds in a financial transaction.
Payee -- The recipient of funds in a financial transaction.
The intermediary objects used in a Payee-Initiated Transaction using OTP to perform the transaction are:
Payer FSP -- The FSP in which the Payer's account is located.
Switch (optional) -- An optional entity used for routing of requests between different FSPs. This object can be removed if requests should be routed directly between a Payer and Payee FSP.
Account Lookup System -- An entity used for retrieving information regarding accounts or participants. Could be hosted in a separate server, in the Switch, or in the different FSPs.
Payee FSP -- The FSP in which the Payee's account is located.
Business Process Sequence Diagram
Figure 3 shows the UML sequence diagram for a Payee-Initiated Transaction using OTP.
Figure 3 -- Payee-Initiated Transaction using OTP
Internal Processing Steps
This section provides descriptions of and assumptions made for all steps in the sequence shown in Figure 3 above.
Optional fragment: Manual OTP request
requests that an OTP be generated, using thePayer FSP
's front-end API (outside the scope of this API).Assumptions
There are two alternatives for generating an OTP; either it is generated upon request by the
(this option), or it is automatically generated in Step 19.Description
Payer FSP
receives the request to generate an OTP and returns a generated OTP to thePayer
, using thePayer FSP
's front-end API (outside the scope of this API).Assumptions
receives the generated OTP. The OTP can then be used by thePayer
in Step 25 for automatic approval.Assumptions
End of Optional fragment
Lookup Counterparty
initiates the transaction by requesting to receive funds from aPayer
, using thePayee FSP
's front-end API (outside the scope of this API).Assumptions
Payee FSP
tries to find thePayer
within the FSP system. Because thePayer
cannot be found in thePayee FSP
system, the request Lookup Participant Information is sent by thePayee FSP
to the optional Account Lookup System to get information regarding in which FSP the Payer is located.Assumptions
is assumed to be in a different FSP than thePayee
. Also, anAccount Lookup System
is assumed to exist. TheAccount Lookup System
is optional in the process, as the request Lookup Participant Information could also be sent directly to thePayer FSP
if there is noAccount Lookup System
. As thePayee FSP
should not know in which FSP thePayer
is located if there is noAccount Lookup System
present, the request might need to be sent to more than one FSP. It is also possible that thePayee FSP
would like more information about the Payer before a transaction request is sent; in that case the request Lookup Party Information, either to theSwitch
or directly to thePayer FSP
, should be sent instead of Lookup Participant Information to theAccount Lookup System
Account Lookup System
receives the Lookup Participant Information. It then performs an internal lookup to find in which FSP thePayer
is located. When the lookup is completed, the response Return Participant Information is sent to inform thePayee FSP
about which FSP thePayer
is located in.Assumptions
can be found by theAccount Lookup System
Transaction Request
The Payee FSP sends the request Perform Transaction Request to the
. The request contains the transaction details including the amount that thePayee
would like to receive, and that the request should be validated using an OTP (possibly a QR code containing a OTP).Assumptions
In this sequence, a
is placed between thePayee FSP
and thePayer FSP
to route the messages. TheSwitch
is optional in the process, as the request Perform Transaction Request could also be sent directly to thePayer FSP
if there is noSwitch
receives the request Perform Transaction Request. TheSwitch
then routes the request to thePayer FSP
, using the same parameters.Assumptions
Payer FSP
receives the request Perform Transaction Request. ThePayer FSP
then optionally validates the transaction request (for example, whether thePayer
exists or not) and sends the response Return Transaction Request Information to inform thePayee FSP
via theSwitch
that the transaction request has been received.Assumptions
The optional validation succeeds.
receives the response Return Transaction Request Information. TheSwitch
then uses the same response Return Transaction Request Information to inform thePayee FSP
about the successfully delivered transaction request to thePayer FSP
Payee FSP
receives the response Return Transaction Request Information from theSwitch
Calculate Quote
Payer FSP
rates the transaction internally based on the fee model used and includes the quote information in the request Calculate Quote to aSwitch
to retrieve the full quote for performing the interoperable financial transaction from thePayer FSP
to thePayee FSP
. The transaction details, including a reference to the transaction request, are sent in the parameters of the request to allow for thePayee FSP
to correctly calculate the quote.Assumptions
In this sequence, a
is placed between thePayer FSP
and thePayee FSP
to route the messages. TheSwitch
is optional in the process, as the request Calculate Quote could also be sent directly to thePayee FSP
if there is noSwitch
receives the Calculate Quote request. TheSwitch
then routes the request to thePayee FSP
, using the same parameters.Assumptions
Payee FSP
receives the Calculate Quote request. ThePayee FSP
then internally calculates the fees or FSP commission for performing the transaction. It then constructs the ILP Packet containing the ILP Address of thePayee
, the amount that thePayee
will receive, and the transaction details. The fulfilment and the condition is then generated out of the ILP Packet combined with a local secret.Assumptions
Optional fragment: Quote Confirmation by Payee
Depending on the fee model used and which use case it is, the
might be informed of the quote to be able to confirm the proposed financial transaction. The quote is in that case sent to thePayee
using a front- end API (outside the scope of this API. ThePayee
receives the quote including information regarding the transaction including fees and optionallyPayer
name. ThePayee
then confirms the quote using a front-end API (outside the scope of this API). ThePayee FSP
receives the confirmation from thePayee
The quote is assumed to be sent to the Payer for confirmation, and the
is assumed to accept and confirm the quote. If thePayee
would reject the quote, an error response would be sent from thePayee FSP
to thePayer FSP
via theSwitch
to inform about the rejected quote.End of Optional fragment
Payee FSP
uses the response Return Quote Information to theSwitch
to return information to thePayer FSP
about the quote, the ILP Packet, and the condition. The quote has an expiration time, to inform thePayer FSP
until which point in time the quote is valid.Assumptions
receives the response Return Quote Information. TheSwitch
will then route the request to thePayer FSP
Payer FSP
receives the response Return Quote Information from the Switch.Assumptions
The total quote can be calculated by the
Payer FSP
.Optional fragment: Automatic OTP generation
Payer FSP
automatically generates an OTP and sends it to thePayer
, using thePayer FSP
's front-end API (outside the scope of this API).Assumptions
There are two alternatives for generating the OTP. Either it is generated upon request by the
(Step 1), or it is automatically generated (this option).Description
receives the automatically-generated OTP.Assumptions
End of Optional fragment
Payer FSP
sends the request Perform Authorization to theSwitch
, to get an authorization to perform the transaction from the Payer via a POS, ATM, or similar payment device, in thePayee FSP
. The request includes the amount to be withdrawn from thePayer
's account, and how many retries are left for thePayer
to retry the OTP.Assumptions
receives the request Perform Authorization from thePayer FSP
. TheSwitch
then routes the Perform Authorization to thePayee FSP
Payee FSP
receives the request Perform Authorization from theSwitch
. ThePayee FSP
sends the authorization request to thePayee
device (POS, ATM, or similar payment device) using thePayee FSP
's front-end API (outside the scope of this API).Assumptions
device receives the authorization request, and thePayer
can see the amount that will be withdrawn from his or her account. ThePayer
then uses the OTP received in Step 3 or Step 21, depending on whether the OTP was manually requested or automatically generated. The entered or scanned OTP is then sent to thePayee FSP
using thePayee FSP
's front-end API (outside the scope of this API).Assumptions
has received the OTP in Step 3 or Step 21.Description
Payee FSP
receives the OTP from thePayee
device. ThePayee FSP
then sends the response Return Authorization Result to the Switch containing the OTP from the Payer.Assumptions
receives the request Return Authorization Result from thePayee FSP
. TheSwitch
then routes the Return Authorization Result to thePayer FSP
Payer FSP
receives the request Return Authorization Result to theSwitch
. ThePayer FSP
then validates the OTP received from the OTP generated in Step 2 or Step 20. If thePayer FSP
is unable to validate the OTP (for example, because the OTP is incorrect) and this was the last remaining retry for the Payer, the sequence continues with Step 29. If thePayer FSP
correctly validates the OTP, the sequence continues with Step 33.Assumptions
Alternative: OTP validation failed
The validation in Step 28 fails and this was the final retry for the Payer. The
Payer FSP
then uses the response Return Transaction Request Information with a rejected state to inform theSwitch
that the transaction was rejected.Assumptions
The OTP validation in Step 28 is assumed to fail and no more retries remains for the Payer.
receives the response Return Transaction Request Information from the Payer FSP. TheSwitch
then routes the Return Transaction Request Information response to thePayee FSP
Payee FSP
receives the response Return Transaction Request Information with a rejected status from theSwitch
. ThePayee FSP
then informs thePayee
using a front-end API (outside the scope of this API) about the rejected transaction request.Assumptions
receives the notification that the transaction was rejected. The process ends here as the transaction request was rejected and thePayee
has been informed of the decision. ThePayer
is also assumed to receive the notification via thePayee
Alternative: OTP validation succeed
The validation in Step 28 is successful. The
Payer FSP
then performs all applicable internal transaction validations (for example, limit checks, blacklist check, and so on). If the validations are successful, a transfer of funds is reserved from thePayer
's account to either a combined Switch account or aPayee FSP
account, depending on setup. After the transfer has been successfully reserved, the request Perform Transfer is sent to theSwitch
to request theSwitch
to transfer the funds from thePayer FSP
account in theSwitch
to thePayee FSP
account. The request Perform Transfer includes a reference to the earlier quote, an expiry of the transfer, the ILP Packet, and the condition that was received from thePayee FSP
. The interoperable financial transaction is now irrevocable from thePayer FSP
The OTP validation in Step 28 is assumed to be successful. Internal validations and reservation are assumed to be successful. In this sequence, a Switch is placed between the
Payer FSP
and thePayee FSP
to route the messages. The Switch is optional in the process, as the request Perform Transfer could also be sent directly to thePayee FSP
if there is no Switch in-between.Description
receives the request Perform Transfer. TheSwitch
then performs all its applicable internal transfer validations (for example, limit checks, blacklist check, and so on). If the validations are successful, a transfer is reserved from aPayer FSP
account to aPayee FSP
account. After the transfer has been successfully reserved, the request Perform Transfer is sent to the Payee FSP, including the same ILP Packet and condition as was received from the Payer FSP. The expiry time should be decreased by the Switch so that thePayee FSP
should answer before the Switch should answer to thePayer FSP
. The transfer is now irrevocable from theSwitch
Internal validations and reservation are successful.
Payee FSP
receives the Perform Transfer. ThePayee FSP
then performs all applicable internal transaction validations (for example, limit checks, blacklist check, and so on). It also verifies that the amount and ILP Address in the ILP Packet are correct, and match the amount andPayee
in the transaction details stored in the ILP Packet. If all the validations are successful, a transfer of funds is performed from either a combinedSwitch
account or a Payer FSP account to thePayee
's account and the fulfilment of the condition is regenerated, using the same secret as in Step 11. After the interoperable financial transaction has been successfully performed, a transaction notification is sent to thePayee
using a front-end API (out of scope of this API) and the response Return Transfer Information is sent to theSwitch
, including the regenerated fulfilment. The transfer is now irrevocable from thePayee FSP
Internal validations and transfer of funds are successful.
receives a transaction notification containing information about the successfully performed transaction.Assumptions
receives the response Return Transfer Information. TheSwitch
then validates the fulfilment and commits the earlier reserved transfer. TheSwitch
will then use the response Return Transfer Information to thePayer FSP
, using the same parameters.Assumptions
The fulfilment is assumed to be correctly validated.
Payer FSP
receives the response Return Transfer Information. ThePayer FSP
then validates the fulfilment and commits the earlier reserved transaction.Assumptions
The fulfilment is assumed to be correctly validated.
Optional fragment: Get Transaction Details
In case the interoperable financial transaction contains additional information that is useful for the
or thePayer FSP
, such as a code or a voucher token, thePayer FSP
can use the request Retrieve Transaction Information to get the additional information. The request Retrieve Transaction Information is sent to the Switch.Assumptions
receives the request Retrieve Transaction Information. TheSwitch
then routes the requestRetrieve Transaction Information to thePayee FSP
Payee FSP
receives the request *Retrieve Transaction Information. ThePayee FSP
then collects the requested information and uses the response Return Transaction Information to theSwitch
The transaction with the provided ID can be found in the
Payee FSP
receives the response Return Transaction Information. TheSwitch
then routes the Return Transaction Information response to thePayer FSP
Payer FSP
receives the response Return Transaction Information from theSwitch
End of Optional fragment
Payer FSP
sends a transaction notification to thePayee
using a front-end API (out of scope of this API), optionally including transaction details retrieved from thePayee FSP
receives a transaction notification containing information about the successfully performed transaction.Assumptions
Bulk Transactions
In a Bulk Transaction, the Payer
(that is, the sender of funds) initiates multiple transactions to multiple Payees, potentially located in different FSPs.
Business Process Pattern Description
The pattern should be used whenever a Payer
would like to transfer funds to multiple Payees in the same transaction. The Payees can potentially be located in different FSPs.
Participants and Roles
The actors in a Bulk Transaction are:
Payer -- The sender of funds.
Payees -- The recipients of funds. There should be multiple Payees in a Bulk Transaction.
The intermediary objects used in a Bulk Transaction to perform the transaction are:
Payer FSP -- The FSP in which the Payer's account is located.
Switch (optional) -- An optional entity used for routing of transactions between different FSPs. This object can be removed if transactions should be routed directly between a Payer and
Payee FSP
.Account Lookup System -- An entity used for retrieving information regarding accounts or participants. Could be hosted in a separate server, in the Switch, or in the different FSPs.
Payee FSP -- The FSP in which a Payee's account is located. There may be multiple Payee FSPs in a Bulk Transaction.
Business Process Sequence Diagram
Figure 4 below shows the UML sequence diagram for a Bulk Transaction.
Figure 4 -- Bulk Transaction
Internal Processing Steps
This section provides descriptions of and assumptions made for all steps in the sequence shown in Figure 4.
Lookup Counterparties
initiates the bulk transaction process by uploading a bulk file to thePayer FSP
, using thePayer FSP
's front-end API (outside the scope of this API).Assumptions
Loop for each Transaction in bulk file
Payer FSP
tries to find the Payee within thePayer FSP
is assumed to be located in a different FSP than thePayer
. If thePayee
is within thePayer FSP
, the transaction can be handled internally in thePayer FSP
(outside the scope of this API).Description
Payer FSP
sends the request Lookup Participant Information to the optionalAccount Lookup System
to get information regarding in which FSP thePayer
is present in.Assumptions
is assumed to in a different FSP than thePayer
. Also, anAccount Lookup System
is assumed to exist. TheAccount Lookup System
is optional in the process, as the request Lookup Participant Information could also be sent directly to thePayee FSP
s if there is noAccount Lookup System
. As thePayer FSP
should not know in which FSP thePayee
is located in if there is noAccount Lookup System
present, the request might need to be sent to more than one FSP. It is also possible that thePayer FSP
would like more information about thePayee
before a bulk transaction is executed; for example, for additional verification purposes of thePayee
name. In that case, the request Lookup Party Information, either to theSwitch
or directly to thePayee FSP
, should be sent instead of the request Lookup Participant Information to theAccount Lookup System
Account Lookup System
receives the request Lookup Participant Information It then performs an internal lookup to find in which FSP thePayee
is located. When the lookup is completed, the response Return Participant Information is sent to inform the Payer FSP about which FSP thePayee
is located in.Assumptions
can be found by theAccount Lookup System
Payer FSP
receives the response Return Participant Information. ThePayee
and the related transaction is then placed in a new bulk file separated perPayee FSP
End of loop for each Transaction
Calculate Bulk Quote
6. Description
7. Description
8. Description
9. Description
10. Description
11. Description
12. Description
Perform Bulk Transfer**
Payer FSP
receives the request to execute the bulk transaction from thePayer
Loop for each
Payee FSP
to perform Bulk TransferDescription
Payer FSP
performs all applicable internal transaction validations (for example, limit checks, blacklist check, and so on) for the bulk transaction to thePayee FSP
. If the validations are successful, a transfer of funds is reserved from the Payer's account to either a combinedSwitch
account or aPayee FSP
account, depending on setup. After the transfer has been successfully reserved, the request Perform Bulk Transfer is sent to theSwitch
. The request Perform Bulk Transfer includes a reference to the earlier bulk quote, an expiry of the bulk transfer, and the ILP Packets and condition per transfer that was received from thePayee FSP
. The interoperable financial transaction is now irrevocable from the Payer FSP. The interoperable bulk transaction is now irrevocable from the Payer FSP.Assumptions
In this sequence, a Switch is placed between the
Payer FSP
and thePayee FSP
to route the messages. TheSwitch
is optional in the process, as the request *Perform Bulk Transfer could also be sent directly to thePayee FSP
if there is no Switch in-between.Description
The Switch receives the request Perform Bulk Transfer. The Switch then performs all applicable internal transfer validations (such as limit checks, blacklist check, and so on). If the validations are successful, a transfer is reserved from a Payer FSP account to a
Payee FSP
account. After the transfer has been successfully reserved, the request Perform Bulk Transfer is sent to thePayee FSP
, including the same ILP Packets and conditions for each transfer that were received from thePayer FSP
. The expiry time should be decreased by the Switch so that thePayee FSP
should answer before the Switch should answer to thePayer FSP
. The bulk transfer is now irrevocable from theSwitch
Internal validations and reservation are successful.
Payee FSP
receives the request Perform Bulk Transfer. ThePayee FSP
then performs all applicable internal transaction validations (such as limit checks, and blacklist checks) for each individual transaction in the bulk transaction. If the validations are successful, a transfer of funds is performed from either a combined Switch account or aPayer FSP
account, depending on setup, to each of the Payees' accounts and the fulfilment of each condition is regenerated, using the same secret as in Step 8. After each transfer to aPayee
has been successfully performed, a transaction notification is sent to thePayee
using a front-end API (out of scope of this API). After each of the individual transactions in the bulk transaction has been completed, the response Return Bulk Transfer Information is sent to the Switch to inform the Switch and the Payer FSP of the result including each fulfilment. The transactions in the bulk transaction are now irrevocable from thePayee FSP
Internal validations and transfers of funds are successful.
receives a transaction notification containing information about the successfully performed transaction.Assumptions
receives the response Return Bulk Transfer Information. TheSwitch
then validates the fulfilments and commits the earlier reserved transfers. TheSwitch
then uses the response Return Bulk Transfer Information to thePayer FSP
, using the same parameters.Assumptions
Each individual transaction in the bulk transaction is assumed to be successful in the
Payee FSP
, and the validation of the fulfilments is also assumed to be correct. If one or more of the transactions in the bulk transaction were unsuccessful, the earlier reserved, now unsuccessful, transfer or transfers in theSwitch
would need to be cancelled.Description
Payer FSP
receives the response Return Bulk Transfer Information. ThePayer FSP
then commits the earlier reserved transfers. After the bulk transaction has been successfully committed, a transaction notification is sent to thePayer
using a front-end API (out of scope of this API).Assumptions
Each individual transaction in the bulk transaction is assumed to be successful in the
Payee FSP
, and the validation of the fulfilments is also assumed to be correct. If one or more of the transactions in the bulk transaction were unsuccessful, the earlier reserved transfer in thePayer FSP
would need to be updated with the total amount of all successful transactions before being committed.End of loop for each
Payee FSP
After each of the
Payee FSP
s has executed their part of the bulk transaction, a response is sent to the Payer using a front- end API (out of scope for this API).Assumptions
receives a bulk transaction notification containing information about the successfully performed bulk transaction.Assumptions
1 - Interledger Payment Request (IPR)
2 - Interledger
3 - A Protocol for Interledger Payments
4 - Interledger Architecture
List of Figures
Figure 1 -- Payer-Initiated Transaction
Figure 2 -- Payee-Initiated Transaction
Last updated
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