Settlements BC
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The Settlements BC is integral to settling Participant transfers using either Deferred Net Settlement or Immediate Gross Settlement methods. It is responsible for creating settlement windows, identifying and deploying the required settlement method (DNS/IGS), settling, closing, and updating batches, and recording all deposits and withdrawals to the appropriate ledger accounts in the Accounts and Balances BC.
The following terms are used in this BC, also known as a domain.
Deferred Net Settlement
Immediate Gross Settlement/Real-Time Gross Settlement
Person or System issuing instructions/requests
FSP/PISP or FSP Customer
Ledger Journal Account (Cr/Dr)
Method of deferring payments to enable settlement on multiple batches according a predetermined schedule. This is useful for environments involving multiple Participants to a transaction requiring a balance of payment due settlement approach.
UC Workflow Diagram: Deferred Net Settlement - 19/10/2021
Method to enable immediate settlement of batches. This is useful for SME environments where quick payment turnarounds are often desirable in order to maximize their liquidity. IGS is also known as Real-Time Gross Settlement (RTGS)
UC Workflow Diagram: Immediate Gross Settlement
Method that enables the Settlement BC to abort a settlement as required, reversing Participant settlement accounts, updating the settlement status for settlement windows, and updating the settlement state.
Method that enables the Settlement BC to create or update the settlement method for a settlement batch based on the Participant Account Type. Useful in instances where mixed Settlement Methods are required.
Method that configures the Settlement Method (DNS/IGS) based upon the system startup configuration. Useful in instances where all Settlement Models are the same, such as all DNS, or all IGS.
UC Workflow Diagram: Bootstrap (Startup) Settlement Model via Configuration
The system creates settlement accounts for new Participants to enable fund transfers to managed by the Switch. This enables the Switch to exercise end-to-end management of all transfers irrespective of settlement method.