Scrum-of-scrum meeting notes

OSS Scrum or scrum calls Thu May 7th 2020

  1. Coil - Don:

    a Performance: 'Big Gap' problem; changes to cs-stream; changed results; putting together a doc with changes for review; Joran's work on concurrent message processing on Kafka topics -> try to test it; seeing 40-50% throughput;

    b LPS adapter: Working with Renjith (Applied Payments); putting together a lab / envt for partner teams to use it; Exploring collaboration with GSMA lab

  2. Crosslake - Lewis:

    a. Performance: Had report out with Confluent with Nakul, engagement wrapping up; Disseminating docs Nakul produced

    b. PISP: Design discussions going on along with Implementation

    c. Versioning: Figuring scope for ZDD deployments

    d. Official launch related issues: DNS issues - worked on and were resolved

  3. ModusBox - Sam:

    a. Performance: Moving / standardizing Perf changes from PI-9 into master (not all PoCs); Working on goals, strategy for PI10

    b. Core-team: Bulk transfers - getting started by providing support in sdk-scheme-adapter

    c. Maintenance (Bug Fixes):

    i) Accents in names - Ongoing

    ii) Mojaloop simulator on AWS deployments - almost done, working on QA scripts (on 'dev2' - second environment)

    d. Testing toolkit: Currently available for testing - all resources in ML FSPIOP API Supported. Reports can be generated. Working on providing Command line options and more portability

    e. CCB: Publishing v1.1 Spec this week - API Definition and corresponding Swagger (Open API)

  4. Virtual / Mojaloop Foundation - Megan:

    a. Launch of Mojaloop Foundation

    b. Paula H - Executive Director of the Mojaloop Foundation.

  5. Mojaloop Foundation - Simeon:

    a. Provide feedback on the Community Survey

    b. Hackathon possible in early June time-frame in collaboration with Google

    c. Mojaloop Newsletter with interesting items such as ML FSPIOP v1.1 Spec, Helm v10.1.0 release, etc. to be launched next week.

OSS Scrum or scrum calls Thu April 16th 2020

  1. Coil:

    a. Don C: Perf - preliminary results - got some numbers - got individual handler numbers, to compare with individual handlers - focusing on DB - a thrid of time for one leg spent on perf

    b. Don C: HSM: Renjit's team demo'ed the demo for next week - event prep

  2. Crosslake:

    a. Lewis D: PISP - Sprint planning - iterating designs

    b. Lewis D: Hackathons - Discussed a few concepts with Innocent K (HiPiPo)

    c. Lewis D: Has access to GSMA lab - will play around

    d. Lewis D: Versioning: working on deck for PI10

    e. Kim W: Performance stream overall update - workshop with Confluent

    f. Kim W: Performance stream update - Pedro putting together a proposal, presentation

  3. Mifos:

    a. Ed C: Demo Prep for PI10 meetings

  4. Virtual:

    a. Megan : Getting ready for the PI10 event and Logistics

  5. DA:

    a. Nico: Discussing PISP issue which Michael will be the owner of

  6. Core team:

    a. Sam K: Performance: Preparing Metrics; Doing performance runs to baseline master branches after moving some enhancements to master

    b. Sam K: Accents in names issue - implementation ongoing

    f. Sam K: Settlements V2 implementation being done by OSS-TIPS team ongoing - QA done for current iteration

    g. Sam K: Testing toolkit: Improving unit test coverage. Assertions added for various endpoints

    i. Sam K: CCB: V1.1 of the ML FSPIOP API Definition - First draft done, Reviews in progress

  7. Mojaloop Community:

    a. Community update by Simeon

OSS Scrum or scrum calls Thu April 9th 2020

  1. Coil:

    a. Don C: perf testing - Under utilization of resources - more tweaking to be done

    b. Don C: HSM integration - demo prep

    c. Don C: Legacy adapter - docs update - looking for feedback

  2. Crosslake:

    a. Kim W: FRMS meeting earlier today - proposals made

    b. Kim W: PI10 meetings update, registrations - questions

    c. Lewis D: PISP: more planning - working on stories, items, but discussing designs on Oauth, Fido

    d. Lewis D: Performance: discussion with Pedro about PoC for arch changes, for Event Sourcing, CQRS, etc

    e. Lewis D: Code standards - updated

    f. Lewis D: Code quality & Security stream: HSM usage, demo, Security in the OSS community

    g. Lewis D: Container scans working - will work with Victor, early benchmarks

    h. Lewis D: Finally - versioning update

  3. Mifos:

    a. Ed C: Work on Payment Hub, integrating with Kafka, ML transactions going through, usiing Elastic Search, for backoffice ops moniring

    b. Ed C: Demo Prep for PI10 meetings

  4. Core team:

    a. Sam K: Performance: Drafting reports, Moving metrics, other enhancements to master branches

    b. Sam K: Performance: Wrapping-up final set of tests; Phase4 roadmap and kickoff planning

    c. Sam K: Community Support: Fixing bugs (few major discussion items fixed), providing clarifications regarding implementation decisions, etc.

    d. Sam K: Merchant Payment Support - Provide tests and validate Merchant "Request to Pay" use case, standardization on-going

    e. Sam K: Accents in names issue - implementation ongoing

    f. Sam K: Settlements V2 implementation being done by OSS-TIPS team ongoing

    g. Sam K: Testing toolkit: Assertions being added for API resources, JWS done, mTLS being added

    h. Sam K: Testing toolkit: Usage guide in progress along with adding Golden path related tests

    i. Sam K: CCB: V1.1 of the ML FSPIOP API Definition - First draft done, waiting for review

OSS Scrum or scrum calls Thu April 2nd 2020

  1. Mifos:

    a. Ed C: Team continuing work on Payment Hub EE, Focus on Operational UI , capabilities for DFSP backends, Error event handling framework

  2. Coil:

    a. Don C: Performance - setup done and got started - on GCP - getting high latency times - need to troubleshoot and will probably get support from other contributors

    b. Don C: ATM - OTP - Encryption

  3. Crosslake:

    a. Kim W: Agenda for PI10 drafted - email should good out soon

    b. Kim W: Schedule for PI10: Tue - Fri; 11am - 4pm GMT - Remote / Virtual event

    c. Lewis D: Perf meeting later today - architecture deep dive

    d. Lewis D: Versioning - In progress

    e. Lewis D: Code quality & Security - Overall Security architecture, HSM covered by Coil

    f. Lewis D: Mojaloop in a Vagrant box - in progress

  4. Core team:

    a. Miguel dB: Performance: Wrapping up Perf work - nearing 900 TPS end-to-end; Currently attempting to identify / understand a single unit that needs this perf

    b. Sam K: Performance: Wrapping-up final set of tests; Phase4 roadmap and kickoff planning

    c. Sam K: Community Support: Fixing bugs (few major discussion items fixed), providing clarifications regarding implementation decisions, etc.

    d. Sam K: Merchant Payment Support - Standardization on-going - Fixing issues in /authorizations

    e. Sam K: Accents in names issue - implementation ongoing

    f. Sam K: Settlements V2 implementation being done by OSS-TIPS team ongoing

    g. Sam K: Testing toolkit: Assertions being added for API resources, JWS in progress

    h. Sam K: CCB: V1.1 of the ML FSPIOP API Definition - drafting in progress

OSS Scrum of scrum call Thu March 26th 2020

  1. DA: Nico - Versioning topic discussed by Lewis, Matt, Sam

  2. Crosslake:

    a. Kim W: Finalizing Agenda - Monday to Friday

    b. Kim W: Reach out if you want to present / speak

    c. Kim W: Preparing pre-reads

    d. Kim W: Fraud & AML workshop: Justus to post summary and notes to GitHub after the workshops

    e. Lewis D: Performance workshop / deep-dive possibly Monday

    f. Lewis D: PISP Design discussions ongoing

    g: Lewis D: Code quality and security stream: i. Docker container security recommendations. ii. GDPR Scope for Mojaloop

  3. Mifos:

    a. Ed C / Istvan M: Continue creating Lab

    b. Ed C / Istvan M: Fineract , new instance of Payment Hub - good progress

    c. Ed C / Istvan M: Working on operational monitoring of backend part (back-office debugging, monitoring, etc)

  4. Simeon O - Community Manager in attendance

  5. Core team:

    a. Sam K: Performance: Finalized phase-3 work. Get to immediate goals for logical conclusion - still ongoing - Phase4 roadmap and kickoff

    b. Sam K: Community Support: Fixing bugs, providing clarifications regarding implementation decisions, etc.

    d. Sam K: Merchant Payment Support - Standardization on-going - Metrics being added, event framework added

    e. Sam K: Accents in names issue - Discussing issue, designing solution

    f. Sam K: Settlements V2 implementation being done by OSS-TIPS team ongoing

    g. Sam K: Testing toolkit: Assertions being added for API resources, JWS in progress. Usage guide in progress

    h. Sam K: CCB: V1.1 of the ML FSPIOP API Definition - drafting in progress

OSS Scrum or scrum call Thu March 19th 2020

  1. Coil:

    a. Don C: Looking at performance, network hops (avoid dup checks etc)

    b. Adrian hB: Renjith & Matt working on translation ISO20022, (to JWEs, etc) - demo by the time we meet on how to use HSM

  2. Crosslake:

    a. Kim W: Finishing action items from the Mid-PI Workshop, follow-up items

    b. Kim W: April Community event is happening but will be a Virtual event. Kim has a planning event and will confirm details: Suggestions welcome

    c. Lewis D: Performance - to include Don in other discussions

    d. Lewis D: Code quality - GDPR requirements proposal

    e: Lewis D: Versioning - iinitial draft made as PR - will be presented to DA next week

  3. Mifos:

    a. Ed C, Istvan M: Payment Hub, envt in Azure,

    b. Ed C, Istvan M: Transactions now going through

    c. Ed C, Istvan M: Next phase: to implement back office screens to see screens for business users

    d. Ed C, Istvan M: Workshop with Google on PISP

  4. Core team:

    a. Sam K: Perf - Combining prepare+position handler and fulfil+position handlers, characterization work ongoing

    b. Sam K: Perf - Working on gaining an understanding of how 1 unit of Infrastructure looks like for a Mojaloop deployment

    c. Sam K: Transaction requests service standardization: Added event framework, Adding metrics now

    d. Sam K: Community Support: Fixing issues, upgrade issues, issue for allowing accents in names, etc,.

Last updated

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